WordPress Writing Settings

WordPress Writing Settings 

Now, on your left, you can find the writing setting option menu. There are not any complex setting options in this menu. On this page, you can set up the writing and publishing content for your site. On the very first option, you’ll find the default post category for your website. After that, you can see the default post format for your post. And I’ll suggest you keep to it as default and standard. Just below this, you’ll find a post via mail setting for your site. 

This setting will allow you to send an email with your post content to your site. You can simply use these features by setting up a secret email account with the mail server and any email received at this server will be posted. And it is wise to keep this address secret. In the end, you can find that it is written when you publish a new post, it’ll be automatically notified by the wordpress to the server. Now when you’re done, click on save changes again to keep this setting saved.