Spring - IoC Containers

Spring - IoC Containers

Ioc (Inversion of Control) is the core of the spring system. Container deals with the java objects of the spring application from launch to annihilation. IoC adds the adaptability and control of utilization and gives a focal spot of arrangement for our application's executives for Plain Old Java Objects. Inside Spring IoC, we can arrange if the article is a singleton or not, when the item will be made and obliterated. The spring holder utilizes dependency injection (DI) to deal with the objects. Spring accompanies a few holder executions, and these executions are assembled into two sorts. 

  • Bean Factory 
  • Application Context 


Bean Factory offers the real help for DI and is characterized in org.spring framework.beans.factory.BeanFactory interface. BeanFactory depends on processing plant configuration design which makes the beans with the main distinction that it makes the bean of any kind (when contrasted with conventional industrial facility design, which makes beans of comparable sorts). 

BeanFactory Implementations 

A few executions of BeanFactory are accessible; however, the most well-known is XmlBeanFactory which stacks the beans from an XML record. A few Resource executions can be given to XmlBeanFactory so XMLBeanFactory can stack the XML record from different sources. The most usually utilized Resource executions are - 

  • ByteArrayResource 
  • ClassPathResource 
  • FileSystemResource 
  • InputStreamResource 
  • UrlResource 

Lazy Loading 

With BeanFactory, the beans are sluggishly stacked, which means beans are stacked when bean manufacturing plant occasion is made. However, the beans are made just when the getBean() strategy is called. 


public class Calc {
          private int salary;
          private int bonus;
          public Calc()
             System.out.println("Bean Created");
          public int getSalary() {
             return salary;
         public void setSalary(int salary) {
            this.salary = salary;
         public int getBonus() {
            return bonus;
         public void setBonus(int bonus) {
            this.bonus = bonus;
         public int getTotal()
            return salary+bonus;
public class DisplayMessage {
   private String message;

 public DisplayMessage()Spring Application Context 

ApplicationContext is the high-level Spring holder and characterized by org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext interface. Application upholds the provisions upheld by Bean Factory yet, in addition, gives extra components like – 

  • Helpful MessageSource access (for i18n) 
  • ApplicationEvent publicationEvent handling 
  • Generic approach to stack assets 
  • Automatic BeanPostProcessor enlistment 
  • Automatic BeanFactoryPostProcessor enlistment 

Spring ApplicationContext Implementations 

There are a few executions of ApplicationContext is accessible, yet out of all the most usually utilized are– 

  • ClassPathXmlApplicationContext-Loads the document beans setup from XML record accessible in class way. 
  • FileSystemXmlApplicationContext-Loads the document beans setup from XML record accessible in document framework. 
  • XmlWebApplicationContext-Applicable for web applications just and loads the beans arrangements accessible in web application. 

As we discussed and checked, BeanFactory sluggishly stacks the beans; however, this is not the situation with Application Context. Examples of beans are made when we make the case of the Application setting.


       System.out.println("Display Message Bean");
   public void setMessage(String message){
      this.message  = message;
   public String  getMessage(){
      return this.message;