Software Testing Myths

There are some myths or misconception about Software Testing among people, which needs to be solved for a clear understanding of the Software Testing process.

Myth 1: Testing is so time taking job

Reality: When we are going through all the SDLC phases, testing is never be a time-consuming job, but when we come to fixing the errors and removing the bugs, it takes much time. Fixing the errors may be a time-consuming job but it is a productive activity. It is a myth that testing is so time taking, but in reality, removing errors and fixing bugs is actually time-consuming, but productive too. Testing should be done parallelly while developing the software or an application and doing this will give better results and increase the productivity.

Myth 2: Testing is so hard

Reality: Testing a software is not just like a game, but it’s not that hard which it seems to be. To be good at testing, one has to go through all the workings of the application software. Because if we have the complete knowledge what the software is for and what is the job of the software, only then we can test the application if it giving the desired output or not. Hence, testing may be hard for those who doesn’t took time to get the complete knowledge about the working of the software. Also, for testing the product we must know the techniques that are used to test a software.

Myth 3: Testing is costly

Reality: For some organizations or some people testing seem to be costly, but in fact if the software is not tested properly and any error encountered after deployment or before delivery of the software, then it might be costly for the organization or the software developing team to look back all the program for fixing the errors and it may also take much time. Therefore, testing saves money and human power as well. It can also be said like that if we pay less for testing then we have to pay more for the maintenance and the bug removing process. Early testing is very beneficial for saving both money and time. Also, if we reduce the cost of our product and don’t do any testing, then it may result in bad design or incorrect result may appear in our software application. Therefore, testing should be started as early as possible for saving the cost.

Myth 4: Software becomes bug-free after testing

Reality: It is totally a myth because a software cannot be error-free after doing all the testing even multiple times. This is because some errors are not found while testing and some errors only encountered when users use the application and increase the load on the application, only then some errors or bugs are encountered. Therefore, testing doesn’t guarantee that the software is completely bug free. We can also see in our daily life, the applications that we use are developed by big IT companies and still there are some bugs in those applications, so it cannot be a true that a software becomes 100% bug free after testing. A tester with the best testing skills also accepts that a software cannot be 100% bug free after testing, because the actual results will come after deployment of the application.

Myth 5: Testing is so easy

Reality: We just discussed that Testing is not so hard, but it doesn’t mean that testing is easy. Testing needs to be done after getting the complete information about the working of the software application. Some people think that we will use the application after the development just like a user will use it and can test the application software in this way. But it is not possible this way to test a software, we should know what can be the output and the inputs for testing an application. A tester goes through the concepts that an application holds, and creates sample test cases for testing the software. So, it is not an easy job to test a software.

Myth 6: Testers are responsible for any bug found after deployment

Reality: Many people blame that, testers are responsible for any bug found after the deployment of application, but it is not a good job because it is not possible to remove all the bugs from the app or there is not surety that an application is 100% bug free after testing. There is always a possibility that bugs can be found or encountered after the deployment of the application. Testers should not be blamed for the errors in an application because a tester has to test an application for bugs and he reports about all the bugs to the stakeholders and after that a decision is made if they should remove the bug or not. Therefore, only testers are not responsible for any bug encountered after the deployment of the application.

Myth 7: A Tester has to only find bugs in the application

Reality: It is not true that a tester’s job is to only test the application and report if any errors found. Rather he has to remove the errors from the software too. A developer has to only develop the application but a tester has all to understand the overall workings of the software such as the effect of one module of the software on other module and the dependencies of the modules on one another and more. Therefore, testing is tough task. 

Myth 8: Testing can only be done after complete development of the application

Reality: It is not true that for testing the application, it should be completely developed. Because it may result more costly development. Testing should be started as early from the first stage of development which is requirement gathering and analysis phase. The early testing will give errors if any in that phase so that those errors can be removed easily because the development process is in very first phase. If we start the testing a bit late, then it might give the errors which may be very hard to remove because the complexity of the software increases in every succeeding phase of the development. It is advised for a good software development that testing should be started in early phases.