Jenkins Introduction

Jenkins is an open-source automation application written in Java that enables continuous integration. Jenkins builds and tests software projects, making it easier for developers to incorporate changes and users to obtain a new build. It also allows us to offer software continuously by integrating with a wide range of testing and deployment platforms.

Using pipelines, Jenkins provides a simple approach to build up a continuous integration or continuous delivery environment for practically any combination of languages and source code repositories and automate other normal development chores.

Organisations can use Jenkins to automate and speed up the software development process. Jenkins supports a wide range of development lifecycle processes, including build, document, test, package, stage, deploy static analysis, and much more.

Jenkins uses plugins to achieve CI (Continuous Integration). Plugins are used to enable the integration of different DevOps stages. If you want to integrate a certain tool, you must first install the tool's plugins. For instance, Maven 2 Project, HTML Publisher, GIT, Amazon EC2, and so on.

For example, if a company is developing a project, Jenkins will continuously test the project builds and show the errors in the initial stages of development.

Jenkins could perform the following steps, for example:

  • Use a build system such as Grade or Maven Apache to create a software build.
  • Run a shell script and save the build result
  • Conducting software tests

Continuous Integration is a development approach that requires developers to regularly integrate code into a shared repository. This notion was designed to eliminate the problem of discovering errors later in the build lifecycle. Continuous integration necessitates regular builds by developers. A build should be started whenever there is a code commit, according to standard procedure.