A file is generally a "free formed", listed or structured group of similar bytes holding sense only to the one who formed it. Or we can say an entry in a folder/directory is termed as the file. The file can have properties like name, creator, date, type, permissions and so, these can be defined by the creator.
File Structure
A file has multiple sorts of structures, a number of them are often :
- Mere Record Structure with series of fixed or variable terms.
- complicated Structures like formatted text or reloadable shell files.
- No Fixed Structure like series of words and bytes and so on.
- Properties of a File
- Following are a number of the attributes of a file :
- Name . it's the sole information which is in human-readable form.
- Identifier. The file is identified by a singular tag(number) within filing system .
- Type. it's needed for systems that support differing types of files.
- Location. Pointer to file location on device.
- Size. the present size of the file.
- Protection. This controls and assigns the facility of reading, writing, executing.
- Time, date, and user identification. this is often the info for cover , security, and usage monitoring.