IoT Healthcare application

IoT has transformed the healthcare system in a variety of ways over the period of time. There is no such industry in the market which is not benefited by the exponential growth of IoT technologies.

Glucose monitoring system 

At least one member of every Indian family is suffering from diabetes and for diabetic patients it becomes important to monitor their glucose level. There are IoT devices in the market which have sensors to monitor the glucose level of the patient and warn them if there is any danger sign ( glucose level getting too high or too low). The device keeps sending the notifications on the patient's smartphone. 

Heart rate and blood pressure monitors 

After diabetes, high and low blood pressure are the second most common health issues in patients. There are IoT devices which you can wear on your neck and they will constantly monitor your blood pressures and heart rates and will send notifications on your smartphones when required. 

Alert system 

There are jewellery like devices which you can wear on your neck and if any mishap happens with your body the device will notify your family members on their smartphones. This is beneficial when a person suffers a heart attack or falls somewhere because of health issues. 

Wireless sensors 

There are a number of wireless sensors available in the market which are used in the labs and hospital refrigerators to ensure the quality of blood, chilled medications, safety of injections etc.

Tracking your inhaling activity 

Trackable inhalers are available in the market which come with special types of sensors to monitor inhaling activities of a person. If a person is falling short of oxygen or is about to get an asthma attack the device notifies the patient on their smartphones which helps the patient to take proper and timely medications.