AJAX - Issues

AJAX is ideal for web applications for its enhanced usability of web content and other advantages. However, it still comes with a lot of security issues which may make access to sensitive data and information easy for misuse by hackers.

We have enlisted a few issues that bring security concerns with the use of AJAX -

  • Increased complexity 

The AJAX technologies are increasingly complex and developers need to have expertise in JS technology to be able to work with it. 

  • Hard to debug and maintain 

Even though JS offers a rich and dynamic interface, it is difficult to undergo automatic testing of JS. There is also a lack of guidelines to debug and maintain it properly. Client-side JS requires manual intervention to maintain it. A single error can interfere with the rendering of JS on the website. 

  • Lack of tools and frameworks 

The majority of tools used in AJAX are in the beta phase. Therefore, it is hard to debug or identify the issue if the browser does not show any problems. 

  • Lack of standardization and support of XMLHttpRequest

There is still a lack of standardization of XMLHttpRequest and many old browsers do not interpret JavaScript by creating XMLHttpRequest.

  • Incompatibility with browsers

For applications to perform seamlessly, it is important to have the JS function enabled. Also, the conventional browsers are incompatible with AJA technologies. 

  • Prone to hacking 

Web applications in AJAX are prone to hacking the same way as regular ones do. The JS code in AJAX can be viewable in plain text which makes it vulnerable to misuse. After acquiring the source code, the security of a web page can be compromised by a hacker. Additionally, hackers can view database details, user IDs, and more. This information can be exploited using Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). These self-replicating worms can manipulate user data or redirect the browsing session to a rogue website. Not only that but other devices connected to the network can also be attacked. Websites are at risk of security breaches and data thefts unless they undergo regular audits. 

Let us hope that the persisting security issues with AJAX will be resolved soon and its performance will improve with time.