Blockchain Versions

Blockchain is not a very old technology but it has evolved through various stages. Below is a brief of innovations in blockchain over the years:

Blockchain 1.0

This version of blockchain appeared in the form of a cryptocurrency. The distributed ledger technology (DLT) was implemented to create the first decentralized cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. This implementation allowed online financial transactions.

Blockchain 2.0

This version took the use of blockchain beyond cryptocurrency and tried to address the challenges faced in the first version. This version introduced smart contracts which enabled the processing of different types of transactions.

Blockchain 3.0

Decentralized Apps or dApps were introduced in this version. dApps are applications that can run their backend on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network pooling resources across machines connected globally.

Blockchain 4.0

While the earlier versions had their advantages, which could be beneficial for the market, this version has the potential to make blockchain mainstream.