Listeners are test plan elements which are used to view and analyse the result of a performance test. Listeners results can be viewed in the form of table, trees, graphs or log files. Listeners can be added anywhere in a test plan. They only parse and collect result data from the samplers at their level or in levels below them. Listeners are processed in the end. Listener results are default stored in xml files and saved with a. jlt format.
Different Listeners provided by JMeter:Aggregate Graph
The Aggregate Graph listener displays test results in tabular form(reports) as well as bar graphs and permits to save the results in the form of png file.
Aggregate Report
The Aggregate Report listener displays and stores test results in the form of reports.
Assertion Results
The assertion results listener displays the assertion result when sampler response has an error. This listener is resource intensive and must be avoided during performance testing. It is useful for debugging and in functional testing purpose.
Backend Listener
The backend listener is a special type of asynchronous listener used to customise the backend client.
Bean Shell Listener
The Bean Shell listener is used to enable Bean Shell for processing samplers in JMeter.
Comparison Assertion Visualizer
The Comparison Assertion Visualizer provides comparison between assertion results in UI.
Generate Summary Results
The Generate Summary results listener stores and displays summary of test results into log files.
Graph Results
The Graph results listener displays each sampler’s response time in a graphical manner by displaying average, median, deviation, and throughput.
JSR223 Listener
The JSR223 Listener is used to enable JSR223 scripting in JMeter results.
Mailer Visualizer
The Mailer Visualizer sampler is used to send an email when the test run some specific error threshold.
Response Time Graph
The response time graph is used to provide the graphical or chart representation of response time with time elapsed during the test run.
Save Response to a file
The save response to a file listener is used to create a file of the sampler response and save it. This listener is used while functional testing or debugging the test script. It is also used where the response is too large to be displayed in the view results tree listener.
Simple Data Writer
The simple data writer listener is used to save the sampler response to a file.
Summary Report
The summary report stores and displays the test result in tabular form. It is similar to an aggregate report listener but consumes less memory
View Results Tree
This listener shows details of each and every sampler request and response in the form of a tree. It also displays the results in HTML and XML form.
View Results in Table
The view results in a table listener displays the sampler response header and response body in table format. This listener uses lot of memory.
Add a Listener in a test plan: