It's a programming interface that lets us write LINQ Queries on XML documents to acquire the information you need. LINQ to XML will put the XML document into memory and enable us to write LINQ Queries on the in-memory XML document to get the elements and attributes of the XML document.

Importing XML data into memory is simple using LINQ to XML, and querying and document manipulation are simpler. It is also possible to serialise and save XML documents that are currently in memory to disc. It reduces the requirement for a developer to master the fairly complicated XML query language.

You must reference the "System.Xml.Linq" namespace to leverage LINQ to XML capability in our apps.

Let's look at an example of LINQ to XML:

For example, we'll show how to use XML with LINQ Queries in an web application. The following steps must be followed to create the application. Visual Studio is now open. Select New from the File menu. As stated below, choose a project.

A new box will appear when you select the project.

Then, as seen below, select "Asp.Net Empty Web Application," name it "LINQtoXML," and click the "OK" button.

We'll include one XML file in our program to deal with LINQ and XML. To do so, right-click the program and select Add-> As illustrated below, select New Item.

A new window will appear once you click on the new item, in which you can select an XML file from the Data Section. Give the XML File a name, then click the Add button, as seen below.

We'll open the file once it's been added and add some records as shown below:

Our application will now display data from the "XMLFile.xml" file. To do so, right-click the application and choose Add->New Item->Select Web Form->Give name as Default1.aspx before clicking the "OK" button.

Now open the "Default1.aspx" page and paste the following code into it:

Next, open the document's code and enter the following code:

Looking at the previous example, you added a namespace called "System.Xml.Linq," which allows us to read XML document data and set conditions on it to find records where "Salary" is more than 2000. Now we'll launch the application and see what happens.


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