How to create a Database?

So now, as we have discussed the basic concept of MS Access, without beating around the bush, let’s start to learn how to create the database and get started with MS access. So basically, to begin with, there are many ways in which you can create a database, with templates and without templates being one the most used ones. Let’s see each one of them one by one. 

• WITHOUT TEMPLATES (BLANK)- If you have a specific requirement, consider this one of the best options. It is like starting from scratch to building up the final model. Without templates, the work would be more, as all the controls are in your control. Consider it like using the manual mode of a DSLR, since everything you are controlling is why the initial setup work is more. 

• WITH TEMPLATES – There are several templates that are already present in the Access framework. You can put your already existing data into these predefined frameworks in the access setup and start a whole new database. 

• BY DOWNLOADING DATA TEMPLATES – Apart from the data templates already existing in the access, you can also download new data templates available on the MS Access website. Once you are done creating the database, then you can directly begin to enter the data into the empty cells.  

Regardless of how you are creating the database and the table, it’s always a good idea to set the field properties. Few properties are available in the datasheet view, while few others are available in the design view. The field properties are the parameters of the field, which will give a user a rough idea about that field.  

So let’s start to analyze the field properties one by one

• Field Size- The field size represents the size of the maximum string that a field can accommodate inside it. For the text, it is 255 characters at the max. For memo, it’s even more. So, each particular data type has a specific field size. 

• Format- It reflects how the data has to be displayed. You can customize and select your own format.

• Input mask- The input mask is referred to as the property that will allow all the data that has a particular format. You can imagine this like an Instagram filter, which will allow all images with that particular format. 

• Default value- The default value is the property that will display any data's normal (default) value whenever new data is entered into that field. Say suppose, for a medical practitioner, if you try to enter the BP count for ten patients, then each time the systolic pressure is entered, it would display 120mm/hg, and each time diastolic pressure is entered. It would display 80mm/hg.  

• Required- Ever filled a google form where fields are marked with a red Asterix (*) symbol? So what does that mean specifically? It means it is a compulsory field that must be filled out before submission. In the same way, in Access, we have the required property, and if we enable yes into the required field, then Access won’t allow new data to be entered unless we fill that particular field. This is done to ensure that the required and mandatory field is not left vacant, even by mistake.  

Copy-paste/import your data- This is one of the ways when you just want to import the already present data, and there is no need to create and sort the whole data once again. You can do this by going to the External data section in the import and link group. You can select the data format, for example, XML, excel sheets, Text files, etc.  

Note: If you can’t find the data type in the options, try saving the data in a more common format, and then you can import the data into the access successfully.  

You have the freedom to choose how and where the imported data would get stored in the present database in MS access. This is a great benefit for all users.