Operating System Memory Management

Main Memory refers to a physical memory that's the interior memory of the pc. The word main is employed to differentiate it from external mass storage devices like disk drives. Main memory is additionally referred to as RAM. the pc can change only data that's within the main memory. Therefore, every single program we run and each file we enter must be drawn from a memory device into the main memory of the system.

All the programs are loaded within the main memory for execution. Sometimes the intact software is packed into the memory, but seldom a critical part or routine of the program is loaded into the most memory only it's called by the program, this mechanism is named Dynamic Loading, which reinforces the performance.

Also, sometimes one program depends on another program. In such a case, instead of loading all the dependent programs, the CPU links the dependent programs to the most executing program when required. This mechanism is understood as Dynamic Linking.

Let us understand how the info is being stored within the computing system.

What is Memory Management in Operating System?

Memory Management is that the process of coordinating and controlling the memory during a computer, Blocks are assigning portions that are assigned to varied running programs to optimize the general performance of the system. this system helps keep the track of each memory location, whether the memory location is allocated to some process or it's free.

This maintains the count of what proportion of memory are often allocated to a process. Because it retains the track of everything so whenever some memory gets freed or unallocated it updates the status correspondingly.

Requirement for Memory Management in OS

Memory management technique is required for the subsequent reasons:

  • This technique assists in placing the programs in memory in such how so that memory is employed to its fullest extent.
  • This technique assists to guard different processes from one another so that they are doing not interfere with each other's operations.
  • It assists to allot space to various application routines.
  • This technique enables you to see what amount of total memory must be allotted to processes that conclude which processor should take memory at what time and in which amount.
  • It keeps the track of every memory location whether it's free or allocated.
  • This technique maintains the record of the register whenever memory seizes freed or unassigned and it'll update the state accordingly.