Jenkins - Automated Deployment

There are numerous plugins available that can be used to transport the build files to the appropriate application/web server following a successful build. The "Deploy to container Plugin" is one example. To utilise it, follow the instructions outlined below.

Step 1 − Go to ‘Manage Jenkins’, then ‘Manage Plugins’. 

           Scroll to the Available section and find “Deploy to container Plugin” to install the plugin. Then restart the Jenkins server.

At the end of a build, this plugin takes a war/ear file and deploys it to a running remote application server.

Tomcat 4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x

JBoss 3.x/4.x

Glassfish 2.x/3.x

Step 2 − Go to ‘Build project’ and click on ‘Configure’. Choose the option “Deploy war/ear to a container”

Step 3 − Enter the server details for which the files must be deployed in the Deploy war/ear to a container area and click the Save button. Following a successful build, these procedures will guarantee that the essential files are delivered to the appropriate container.