LINQ Method Syntax

Currently, the method syntax is the most preferred way to write LINQ queries. The Query's condition is defined using a lambda expression. Simple queries that conduct read-write actions on a data source can be written quickly using Method Syntax. Method Syntaxes are a little more difficult than Query Syntaxes for sophisticated queries.

Method syntax (also known as fluent syntax) calls the Enumerable or Queryable static class's extension methods the same way you would call any other class's extension method. 

The LINQ Query is built utilising numerous methods and merging them with a dot in this method (.) At compilation time, the compiler translates query syntax to method syntax.

Important points to note:

  • Because it permits a sequence of extension methods to be called LINQ Method Syntax, also known as Fluent Syntax.
  • Method Syntax is similar to calling an extension method, as the name suggests.
  • The output of the LINQ query can be stored in an arbitrarily typed variable called var.

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