Post Exploitation - Introduction

Gaining access to a target computer is not enough. We should know what exactly to do with the target computer. It is important to be able to maintain the access even if the target computer gets shut down or uninstall any vulnerable programs. 

We will learn how to skillfully access target computer’s files, download them, open the webcam and how to use the machine in different ways.


Whenever we hack into the target system, we use the sysinfo command to verify it and gather information. This information contains the Meterpreter version running on the target computer as well among others.



To check the graphical representation of the Windows on the target machine, we can use the explorer.exe command. Since this is always running, we can migrate our process here as it is least likely to be closed. Even if the actual program through which we got access gets closed on the target machine, we will have access via explorer.exe. For this, we can use the migrate command.