VB.Net Operators

An operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to do particular mathematical or logical operations. VB.Net has a plethora of built-in operators, including the following sorts of commonly used operators:

  • Arithmetic Operators for eg +, -, /, *, MOD
  • Comparison Operators for eg =, <>, >, <, Is, IsNot
  • Logical/Bitwise Operators e.g., AND, OR, NOT
  • Bit Shift Operators, e.g. &, I, ^
  • Assignment Operators for eg =, +=, /=, *=
  • Miscellaneous Operators, e.g. Await, GetType, If

Precedence of Operators

The order of terms in an expression is determined by operator precedence. This has an impact on how an expression is evaluated. Certain operators are more important than others; for example, the multiplication operator is more important than the addition operator.

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