Python Multiple Statements on a Single Line

Semicolons are used to separate numerous statements on a single line (;).

In Python, here's an example of declaring many variables in a single line.

The preceding example demonstrates how you can make your code more compact. Instead of using three lines to define a,b, and c, you use one line and a semicolon to separate each variable definition (;).


Docstrings in Python

Python documentation strings (also known as docstrings) are a convenient way for programmers to define Python functions, modules, methods, and classes.

In Python, an example of Docstrings:

As illustrated in the example above, you write the definition or documentation string in triple-double quotations.


Python Variables

Python variables are used when you want to store values in a memory region. You don't have to specify the variable based on the data type in Python because the interpreter does it for you. Based on the data type, the interpreter also selects where to allocate RAM.

In Python, an example of variable definition:


Python Suites for Multiple Statement Groups

Individual statements in Python are put together to form a single code block. Suites are what they're called. A header line and a suite are required to form a suite for situations such as if, while, def, and class statements.

In Python, here's an example of a suite:

The following example demonstrates the use of many lines to create a suite. The if, if-else, else, and print statements are all separate lines of code that come together to produce a single suite.
