Element Removal from the List

Using remove() method

The built-in remove() function can be used to remove elements from the List, but an error will occur if the element doesn't exist in the set. The Remove() method only removes one element at a time; an iterator removes a range of elements. It removes the provided object with the remove() function.

Note: In List, the Remove method will only remove the first instance of the searched element.

Using pop() method

The pop() method can also remove and return an element from a set, but it only removes the last element by default. To remove an element from a specific location in the List, supply the element index as an argument to the pop() method.

A List's Slicing

There are several ways to print the entire List with all its elements in Python List, but we utilise the Slice operation to print a selected range of elements from the list. The colon is used to conduct the slice operation on Lists (:). Use [: Index] to print elements from the beginning to the end of a range, [:-Index] to print elements from the end to the beginning, [Index:] to print elements from a specific Index to the end, [Start Index:End Index] to print elements within a range, and [:] to print the entire List using the slicing operation. Use [::-1] to print the entire List in reverse order.

Note: Use Negative Indexes to print elements of a List from the back end.


List Comprehension

List comprehensions generate new lists from iterables such as tuples, strings, arrays, and lists.

A list comprehension is made up of brackets that hold the expression run for each element and a for loop that iterates through each element.

Methods are listed below: