AJAX - Security

AJAX is widely popular because of the scripting language it uses - JavaScript (JS). It is preferred for its applications such as the creation of dynamic web pages, built-in error checking, warning and security threats displayed for enhanced user interaction, ease of access, change of content style, providing the relevant web page as per user’s request, and more. 

With a robust foundation, it offers a smooth experience and interactivity to the users. However, it may also come with some downsides. Hackers can look for vulnerabilities or potential loopholes to exploit and AJAX can become susceptible to data breaches. Let us discuss some of the security concerns involving the use of AJAX technologies.  

Server Side

There is a common misconception that AJAX applications are secure than others as it is difficult to access the server side script. In reality, it simply hides the server side scripts giving the developers a false sense of security. 

AJAX technologies employ the same server side security measures as with other normal web applications. Therefore, it is vulnerable to exploitation by hackers in the same manner. All the information and pre-requisite regarding authentication, confirmation and data protection are specified in the web.xml record. So, AJAX web applications might be prone to security threats such as malware, phishing attacks, injecting scripts, etc. 

Additionally, AJAX uses JS to formulate server requests into function calls which may easily reveal sensitive information. It is displayed in plain text and can be prone to misuse by hackers. 

Client Side 

On the client side, hackers can easily access the JS code. This can be used for manipulation by hackers or exploiting server side vulnerabilities in the system. It can be easily downloaded from the server and can be leveraged by injecting malicious codes or tricking the users with phishing scams. Hackers can even monitor users’ browsing traffic or redirect the session.