Differences between AngularJS (1.0) and Angular

The below table demonstrated the difference between AngularJS and Angular.

AngularJS (1.x)

Angular 2+

AngularJS is name of the first version of Angular 1.0 .

Angular is complete re-write of AngularJS and it is the name of Angular version 2 and above.

AngularJS is based on JavaScript, which is prototype-based OOP language.

Angular is based on TypeScript, which is class-based OOP language.

AngularJS code is written in JavaScript.

Angular code is written in TypeScript.

AngularJS architecture is based on Model View Controller (MVC).

Angular architecture is entirely component based. It uses components and directives. Component are directives with a template.

AngularJS is based on MVC architecture. The

code will be divided into three major parts called

“Model”, “View” and “Controller”. Model is an

object that stores data. View is a html file that contains presentation logic to display data. Controller is a function that manipulates data.

Angular is based on Components.

Component is a class that contains stores data and also manipulates the data. View is a html file that contains presentation logic to display data

AngularJS required ng-directive for property and event binding.

Angular uses () for event binding and [] for property binding.

It doesn’t support by mobile browsers or in other words it is not mobile friendly.

It supported by all the mobile browsers or in other words it is mobile friendly.

In AngularJS for routing configuration $routeprovide.when() is used.

In Angular for routing configuration @RouteConfige{(…)} is used.

It is less manageable and stable compared to Angular.

It is more flexible and stable compared to AngularJS.

It does not use Dependency injection it has issue with it.

It comes with a built-in dependency injection for better performance and provide loosely couple.

It uses ng-bind to bind the data between view and model (two-way binding). {{ }} expressions can also be used to do the same.

It uses () and [] attributes to bind the data between view and model (two-way binding). 

It uses the concept of $scope and controller.

It uses the hierarchy of components in place of $scope and controller.

It doesn’t support dynamic loading of the page.

It supports dynamic loading of the page.

To initialize ng-app and angular.bootstrap() function are used.

To initialize bootstrapModule() function is used.

It supports filters for transforming data to responsive display.

It supports pipe for transforming data to responsive display.

It does not support Angular CLI.

It supports Angular CLI.

It is not flexible and can run on only client-side.

It is flexible and can run on client-side and server-side.

In AngularJS to define services factory, service, provider, value and constant are used.

In Angular to define services class is the only way to do it.

AngularJS Supports spinal-case and camelCase syntaxes like ng-model, ng-class and ngModel.

Angular Supports camelCase and PascalCase syntaxes like ngModel, ngForm and NgForm.

Doesn’t provide CLI (Command Line Interface),

to generate components and services easily from the command prompt commands.

Provides CLI (Command Line Interface), to generate components and services easily from the command prompt commands