In Java, characters, and strings are used to represent text.
A character in Java is a single letter, number, or symbol represented by the char data type. Char values are enclosed in single quotes like this:
char c = 'a';
One can use escape sequences in Java to use a new line, tab etc.
char newLine = '\n';
A string in Java is a sequence of characters represented by the String class and is enclosed in double quotes.
String a1 = "Hello";
String a2 = "World";
String a3 = a1 + ", " + a2 + "!"; // a3 = "Hello, World!"
String name = "Jane Doed";
String firstName = name.substring(0,4); // firstName = "Jane"
String lastName = name.substring(5); // lastName = "Do"
String sentence = "The quick brown fox";
sentence = sentence.replace("brown", "red"); // sentence = "The quick red fox"
Java also provides several built-in methods that can be used to manipulate strings, such as length, trim, toUpperCase, toLowerCase and etc.