Informatica ODBC Connection

Steps for the Informatica ODBC Connection

When you are in Source Analyzer, please explore to Source menu and select the Import from Database. choice 

When you pick the Import from Database. alternative, the import tables window will open. As of now, we don't have any ODBC association in Informatica to choose from starting from the drop list. To add another one, kindly click on the … button 

When you click on the … button, ODBC Data Source Administrator Window will be opened to add another ODBC association. Click on the Add button to do as such. 

When you click on the Add button, create a New Data Source window will open. Here we have a choice to choose the necessary information base from the accessible rundown. As mentioned earlier, we are utilizing SQL Server, so we are picking the DataDirect 7.1 SQL Server Wire Protocol for this model. 

It will open the new spring up window called ODBC SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol Driver Setup. Here we need to fill in the necessary subtleties to associate with our data set.


  • Data Source Name: Please determine an interesting name for this Informatica ODBC Connection. 
  • Description: Please determine a substantial portrayal of the association we will build up. 
  • Server: Please indicate the SQL Server occurrence name. 
  • Database Name: Here, you need to compose the SQL data set name from which you need to extricate the information. For the present, we are choosing the Adventure Works DW 2014. 

Whenever you have done, click the Apply button and afterwards click the OK button to close the window 

Once done you have created your Informatica ODBC Connection, so click the OK button. Assuming you need to choose this association as an information source than, at that point use the database source data. 

Database Source in Informatica

Before we begin clarifying the Informatica data set sources, first associate with Informatica vault administration with your Admin accreditations and afterwards Navigate to Source Analyzer. 

Kindly allude Informatica Source Analyzer article to comprehend the Informatica Source Analyzer 

When you are in Source Analyzer, please explore to Source menu and select the Import from Database. alternative 

When you pick the Import from Database. choice, another window called Import tables will open. Kindly select the ODBC association that we previously made in our past article starting from the drop list. 

Then, we need to furnish the qualifications needed to associate with the individual information base. Here we are giving the Username and secret phrase of our Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and proprietor name as dbo. 

When you fill in the subtleties, kindly click on the associate button. It will associate the data set and show the tables and Views present in the database. 

Assuming you need to see the information from all proprietors then, at that point, please change the proprietor’s name from dbo to default All. We can do this by tapping the All button underneath the Show Owners segment