Django also supports a syndication feed-generating framework that you can use to create an RSS feed. To do that, you need to subclass the feed class using the code below:
django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed Here, we will create a feed in the firstapp/ file and also provide a description of our feed:
firstapp /
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.contrib.comments import Comment
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
class RssFeed(Feed):
title_name = “RSS Feed in Django”
link = “/django-comments/”
des = “Here we will add a description for our feed.”
def rss(self):
return Comment.objects.all().order_by(“-submit_date”) [:5]
def rss_title(self, rss):
return rss.u_name
def rss_des(self, rss):
return rss.comment
def rss_link(self, rss):
return reverse (‘comment’, kwargs = {‘object_pk’})
This way, you can create an RSS feed in Django.