Angular Advantages or Why we use Angular

Angular is an open source, JavaScript-based web application development Framework written, maintained and developed by Google.

There is list of important advantages to use Angular over other front-end frameworks which are listed below.

  • It is completed open-source JavaScript Web application framework. It is a developed, maintained and the product of Google.
  • It is written using TypeScript Language; hence it supports all the concepts and features of JavaScript including ES6 standards. It uses TypeScript instead of plain JavaScript OOPs based language created by Microsoft company which contains features such as strong types, modules, inheritance interfaces, decorators and classes, etc.
  • Pre-defined/ inbuilt code and user-defined code( created by user) developed using TypeScript language.
  • Angular 2+ or above versions executes faster than Angular JS(1.0). which results in better performance.
  • Angular contains separation of DOM modification from application logic.
  • It contains separation of HTML logic from application logic.
  • It also contains separation of business access layer (BAL) from application logic.
  • Angular1 that is Angular JS is controller and $scope based whereas Angular is Component based.
  • Angular is component-based structure whereas Angular JS based on Model View controller.
  • Angular has better syntax and project structure.
  • Works on Client-side:

Angular works on client-side. It is flexible compatible to work with both desktop as well as mobile browser development. It is versatile which means we can use angular for developing the front-end of any application without making any changes to back-end.

  • It offers Modularity: 

Angular is divided into multiple small part called packages. For example, "core", "common", "forms", "router" etc. All these modules are dependent on one another and we can combine them together for running a complete application. The developer can use any of those modules to create application based on the requirement. With Angular we can create 

re-usable component, modules, routes and nested level component.

  • Angular contains Pipes:

Angular contains pipes that provide a great help when we need to convert the stored data into Angular responsive design. The Angular directory offers different built-in pipes for developers to format data such as DatePipe, LowerCasePipe, UppercasePipe, CurrencyPipe, DecimalPipe, PercentPipe and more. It also provides the option to create own pipe that is custom pipe by registering a new pipe factory.

  • Two-way binding: 

Angular has two-way binding that allow read and write functionality. We can read and set the input values. Due to this, any changes that happen in the application have an effect on the user-interface and vice versa. With Angular framework, the user actions and module changes happen simultaneously.

  • Easy to Test: 

In Angular Framework, Testing becomes extremely easy. This is because it is easy to modify different parts of application (component) that are placed into Angular. The Module Separation feature allow the developers to load the required services and implement automated testing with a lot of ease. With this angular is more easily testable. Angular support to perform testing using jasmine and karma. 

  • Angular provides Karma and Jasmine for doing unit testing of the application. With this, we can find the broken things every time we save. Karma is a nothing but the JavaScript test runner tool created by Angular team. Jasmine is the testing framework to perform unit testing in Angular apps, and Karma provides helpful tools that make it easier to us to call our Jasmine tests to do unit testing while we are writing code.
  • SPA features: 

Single Page application is abbreviated as SPA. A single page application is a web /browser application or a website which provides users a very fast and reactive and experience same as desktop application does. SPA contains menu, buttons, inputs and everything on a single page and when a user clicks on any of them; it dynamically loads the current web page rather than loading entire new pages from a server, which makes the performance fast. Due to this it has a very reactive fast speed.

Angular offer form validation features. This means that if the page makes use of forms, the form controller will note their status. With the help of form data, developers can modify the behavior of HTML elements in the user interface. Angular comes with built-in validations that help in error handling. Also, we can create our own custom validations. we can also show error messages for the entire form if user input is not correct. This helps better change detection.

  • Template system: 

Angular has simple and more powerful template system to create User Interface (UI) view quickly.

  • Integrated development environments (IDE): 

IDE are the applications that helps the development of other application. To work with Angular, we require to be used in modern code editors / IDE's, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, Web Storm, Eclipse etc. Angular provides intelligence for code completion, proper instant errors in IDEs.

  • Angular CLI: 

CLI is an abbreviation of Command line Interface. Angular provides Command Line tools that helps in start developing application fast, adding components, adding services, and testing them and then instantly deploy using Angular CLI.

  • Dependency Inject (DI ): 

Angular support simple Dependency Inject (DI) implementation which is used for creating loosely couple application. It is useful for handling code dependencies.

  • Angular is cross-browser compatible framework. That means it works in all the browsers that is it supports all the browsers. With this we can build different kind of application using Angular Framework such as desktop application, browser application, Native application and Mobile application.
  • Angular is complete framework. It helps in providing full stack development along with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
  • Angular support Animation features. Animation is used for interactive or data-oriented application.