
Ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists are all supported in Bootstrap.

Ordered lists: An ordered list is one in which the items are arranged in some form of sequential order and are preceded by numbers.

Unordered lists: An unordered list is one that has no particular order and is typically formatted with bullets. If you don't want the bullets to show, use the class.list-unstyled to remove the styling. You may also use the class.list-inline to put all list elements on a single line.

Definition lists: Each list item in this form of list can have both the dt> and dd> elements. dt> stands for definition term, and this is the term (or phrase) that is being defined, just like in a dictionary. As a result, the dd> becomes the definition of the dt>. Using the class dl-horizontal, you can make terms and descriptions in dl> line up side by side.

Bootstrap Code

You may use Bootstrap to display code in two distinct ways.

  • The <code> tag is the first. The <code> element should be used if you're going to display code inline.
  • The <pre> tag is the second. The <pre> tag should be used if the code has to be presented as a separate block element or if it includes numerous lines.

Make sure to use the unicode variations for the opening and closing tags and − &lt; and &gt; when using the <pre> and <code> tags.