Cloud Computing Planning

Cloud is the cheapest and most widely used technology. From small organizations to large organizations, all are moving towards cloud technology. But before moving business to the cloud, there should proper planning of pre-stage requirements and post-stage impact on organizations. Here are some factors that every organization or industry should consider before investing in Cloud technology.

Factors to consider before Planning  

  • Data Privacy and Security Requirements
  • Type of Cloud: Private, Public, or Hybrid
  • Data Backup and Export Requirements
  • Training Requirements
  • Budget Requirements
  • Client access facility
  • Dashboard and Reporting Requirements

Phases of Cloud Computing Planning

  1. Business Plan Development: In this step, we analyze the risk that may be encountered in cloud computing from a business perspective.
  2. IT Architecture Development: In this step, we pick out the applications and technologies that support the organization's business processes and enterprise applications.
  3. Quality of Service Development Requirement: The Quality of Service (QOS) depends on non-functional based requirements. For example, backups, replication, disaster recovery, reliability, application security, cloud infrastructure security, etc
  4. Transformation Plan Designing: In this step, we create and prepare all plans required to transform the current business environment into a Cloud-based one. 
  5. Deployment Phase: It is the final step of the cloud computing planning process. It involves two steps.
  6. Selecting Cloud Computing Provider: This step includes selecting a cloud provider based on SLA (Service Level Agreement), which consists of the service the provider will meet.
  7. Maintenance and Technical Service: The cloud provider must ensure proper maintenance and technical service and should meet the quality of service (QoS).