Application of IoT technology in transportation

Toll and Tickets 

Numbers of vehicles on the roads are increasing day by day and it becomes hard for the toll booths to collect taxes timely. A long queue not only wastes the time of the people travelling but it also acts as a hindrance in the development of the country. Nowadays automated tolls are constructed using IoT technologies using RFID tags, this saves the time of the people and also helps in avoiding traffic jams. 

  • Systems to track Vehicles 

IoT based applications are now used to track the vehicles by company, trio scheduling, sleet tracking, monitoring fuel consumption etc are the few activities which can be monitored and maintained using these applications. 

IoT Education Application 

IoT has brought a massive drift in the education sector. The adaptations of digital tools have not only made the education process engaging but also efficient and promising. The new technical ways had become engaging and interesting for the students. 

After the pandemic, the online education sector has experienced exponential growth. Smartphones, tablets, monitors have become the new source of learning. IoT based applications now help schools and colleges to monitor the daily activities of their students and faculty keenly.

IoT has given students reliable and trusted access to students for learning and communicating. IoT has come with a solution to enhab=nce the quality of education. 

Applications of IoT technologies in field of education 

  • IoT has set and evolved new methodologies and that too not only for students but also for teachers. Teachers around the globe are finding these methods of teaching more interesting and engaging from their old style of teaching. IoT devices monitor the syllabus and categories them in various sections for students to make their task easier. 
  • Daily attendance is considered a headache for students as well as teachers in the school and universities. Now instead of calling out roll numbers , students' biometrics can be taken as attendance which makes the task simpler and smarter. These attendings can be stored on a portal which can be accessed anytime and there is no scope of dispensary. 
  • IoT helps in maintaining and monitoring the unusual activities like theft, robbery, sexual assault etc in the campus. If any such activity is spotted in the camera it can directly send notification and proper actions can be taken in a short span of time. That's how IoT makes the campus safer. 
  • IoT has helped to maintain personal and professional work life balance. Work from home is the new normal after the pandemic and this helps in gaining knowledge by sitting in the comfort of your home.