ASP.NET Introduction

Introduction: ASP.NET tutorial provides basics and advanced level concepts of ASP.NET.

ASP.NET is a framework that has been developed by Microsoft to design and develop a website, web applications, web services. It is a development platform that provides programming model software infrastructure and services required to build an application. It provides integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

ASP.NET application codes are written in the following languages.

  • C#
  • Visual Basics .NET
  • JavaScript
  • J#

ASP.NET produces interactive, data-driven applications. It consists of controls, text boxes, buttons, labels, HTML pages.

ASP.NET provides three types of styles for creating web applications:

  • Web Form
  • ASP.NET Web Pages

ASP.NET Web Forms Model

ASP.NET web form is an event-driven interaction of the browser with a web application where the request is submitted through the web server and the server returns an HTML page in response. All client-side-related activities are being forwarded to the server for processing.

ASP.NET framework used in storing information which is related to the state of the application that consists of Page and Session state. 

Page state is the state in which the content of various input fields is in the web form. The session state is used in collecting the information, the collected information from different pages visited by the user which is the overall session state. Suppose the user visited any website for online shopping. The user added the various items to his cart and then the item belongs to different categories and the item, cart, and billing page are different pages. Only HTTP will not be able to track all information’s from different pages. Session sate and server sidetracks the information collected over the session.


MVC stands for model view controller, a pattern based on a dynamic website. This enables clean separation. It provides fast development for creating fantastic applications.

ASP.NET Web Pages

This helps in creating dynamic web pages. It provides HTML, photos, video, links to sites. Also, provides features to create a website and makes it interactive.