String formatting in Python

When it comes to formatting strings, the format() method is the most versatile and useful. The curly braces are used as a placeholder in the string, and the format() function argument is utilised to replace them.

Python String Formatting Using % Operator

The format specifiers used in C's printf statement can be utilised in Python. In Python, format specifiers are treated in the same way as they are in C. However, Python includes the per cent operator, which bridges the format specifiers and their values. To put it another way, it links the format specifiers to the values.

Python Lists

In Python, a list is used to store the sequence of different types of data. Python lists are changeable, which means we can change their elements after they've been formed. However, Python has six data types that can store sequences, with the list being the most common and stable.

A list can be defined as a collection of distinct types of values or items. The comma (,) separates the elements in the list, which are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

Lists' Characteristics

  • The following are the characteristics of the Python list:
  • The lists are arranged in alphabetical order.
  • The list's element can be accessed by index.
  • Lists represent the mutable type.
  • The types of lists are mutable.
  • The number of different elements can be stored in a list.

Adding to a List of Elements

Using append() method:

The built-in append() function can be used to add elements to the List. The append() method can only add one element to the list at a time; loops are needed to add many elements to the list with the append() method. Because tuples are immutable, they can also be added to the list using the append method. Lists, unlike Sets, can be appended to an existing list using the append() method.

Using insert() method:

The append() method only adds elements to the end of the List; the insert() method adds elements to the appropriate place. Unlike add(), which just requires one argument, insert() requires two (position, value).

Using extend() method:

Apart from the append() and insert() methods, extend() is another method for adding elements to a list. It is used to add numerous entries at once towards the end of the list.

Getting to the List's elements

The index number can be used to retrieve the list items. To go to a specific item in a list, use the index operator []. An integer must be used as the index. Nested indexing is used to retrieve nested lists.

Negative indexing

Negative sequence indexes in Python represent positions from the array's end. It is sufficient to write List[-3] instead of needing to compute the offset as in List[len(List)-3]. Negative indexing indicates starting at the end, with -1 being the last item, -2 denoting the second-to-last item, and so on.