Python Functions

The most crucial part of an application is its functions. A function is an organized unit of reusable code that may be invoked whenever it is needed.

Python allows us to break down a complex program into its parts, known as functions. The set of programming statements enclosed encloses the function. A function can be called numerous times in a Python application to provide reusability and modularity.

The Function aids the programmer in breaking down the program into smaller chunks. It effectively arranges the code and prevents it from being repeated. The function helps the software become more ordered as it grows. Python has a number of built-in functions, such as range() and print (). However, the user can build their functions, which are known as user-defined functions.

Functions are divided into two categories:

  • User-defined functions: The user-defined functions are those that the user creates to complete a certain task.
  • Built-in functions: Built-in functions are Python functions that have already been defined.

The Benefits of Python Functions

Python functions have the following advantages:

  • We may avoid rewriting the same logic/code over and again in a program by using functions
  • Python functions can be called several times and from any location in a program
  • When a large Python program is separated into numerous functions, we can simply track it
  • Python functions are best known for their reusability
  • In a Python program, however, calling functions is always an overhead

Let's look at the syntax for defining functions:

  • The function is defined using the def keyword and the function name
  • The identifier rule must follow the function name
  • A function accepts a parameter (argument), and it can be optional
  • The function block begins with a colon (:), and all block statements must be indented the same amount
  • The value is returned using the return statement. A function can only have one return value.

Calling a Function

After a function is created in Python, it can be called from another function. The Python interpreter will throw an error if a function is not declared before it is called. Use the function name followed by the parenthesis to call the function.

The return statement

The function's result is returned by the return statement, which is used at the end of the function. It ends the function's execution and sends the result to the place where the function was called. Outside of the function, the return statement isn't allowed.