Installation ErrorBasic

The login panel of Admin cannot be seen

Sometimes you experience a crashing problem in the design after installing Magento 2.3.2 correctly on the system. The admin login page is not opened correctly and looks blank.

  • Go to the xampp/htdocs/magento2/vendor/magento/Framework/Sight/Modul/File/Validaz.php
  • Open the.php file Validator.
  • Select the code given in the file Validator.php and
  • Substitute this code.
  • Replace the code with the new code and save the file.

Luma theme not displayed in the front end

If there is a missing front end interface and the storage page is visible rather than the Luma theme, follow the procedures:

Open the xampp/htdocs/magento2/app/etc/di.xml di.xml file

Search for Symlink in the di.xml file.

Store the file and replace the term "Symlink" with the term "Copy."

Retrieve the homepage. Now the theme Luma (front end) is visible.

There are no PHP extensions

The first stage is Readiness Check while installing Magento2, which will give you an error missing three PHP extensions. These are xsl, soap and intl, three missing extensions.

Open XAMPP php.ini, i.e. Apache then Config then PHP.


;extension = intl

;extension = soap

;extension = xsl

Delete the semicolon (;) and save the file before any of the three extensions.

Restart the server on XAMPP and again try Readiness Check. Readiness Check is completed without a mistake this time.

Store Configuration

  • To create a specific role, go to the System and click User Roles.
  • Click on the Add New Role button, and in the Role Info fields, enter the role name and password. Either customary or all, we can provide permission to this function.
  • Click on Role Resource and assign permission from the drop-down list to all or custom permissions. Click Save Role.
  • The role of the manager is now added. The manager and supervisor have the same abilities because we have given the manager all authorisation.

Create users

  • To create the user for the manager role, go to the system and click All users.
  • Click Add New User, and in the fields to create a new user, put in all the necessary information.