Types of NoSQL Databases

There are four types of NoSQL databases: key-value pair, column-oriented, graph-based, and document-oriented. Each category has its own set of characteristics and limits. None of the databases listed above is better at solving all of the difficulties. Users should choose a database that meets their product requirements.

Types of NoSQL Databases: 

  1. Key-value based pair.
  2. Column –oriented Graphs.
  3. Based on graphs.
  4. Document-oriented.

1)Key-value based pair:

Key/value pairs are used to store data. It is built to handle large amounts of data and heavy loads.

Data is stored in key-value pair storage databases as a hash table, with each key being unique and the value being a JSON, BLOB(Binary Large Objects), text, or other format.

It's one of the most fundamental NoSQL databases. This type of NoSQL database is utilised for things like collections, dictionaries, and associative arrays, among other things. Developers can use key value stores to store data that does not have a schema. They're great for items in shopping carts.

NoSQL key-value store DataBases include Redis, Dynamo, and Riak. They're all based on the Dynamo paper from Amazon.

2)Column-oriented Graph:

Column-oriented databases are based on Google's BigTable paper and function with columns. Each column is dealt with independently. The values of single-column databases are kept together.

Because the data is readily available in a column, they give good performance on aggregate queries like SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, and so on.

Data warehouses, business intelligence, CRM, library card catalogues, and other applications all use column-based NoSQL databases.

Column-based databases such as HBase, Cassandra, HBase, and Hypertable are instances of NoSQL queries.


A graph database maintains both entities and the relationships between them. The entity is represented as a node, while the relationships are represented as edges. An edge establishes a connection between nodes. A unique identifier is assigned to each node and edge.

A graph database is multi-relational in nature, as opposed to a relational database, which has loosely connected tables. Traversing relationships is quick because they are already stored in the database and don't need to be calculated.

 Graph databases are commonly used for social networks, logistics, and geographic data.

 Popular graph-based databases include Neo4J, Infinite Graph, OrientDB, and FlockDB.

4. Document –oriented:

Document-Oriented The value part of a NoSQL DB's data is kept as a document, while the key value pair is stored as a key value pair. JSON or XML formats are used to store the document. The database understands the value and can query it.

On the left, you can see rows and columns, and on the right, you can see a document database with a structure that is comparable to JSON. Now that you have a relational database, you must know what columns you have and how to use them. A document database, on the other hand, uses a data store such as a JSON object. You don't have to define anything, which makes it flexible.

CMS systems, blogging platforms, real-time analytics, and e-commerce apps all use this document type. It should not be used for complex transactions involving several operations or queries against different aggregate models.

Popular Document DBMS systems include Amazon SimpleDB, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, Lotus Notes, and MongoDB.