- It is a standard database language and PL/SQL is strongly integrated with SQL. PL/SQL supports both static and also dynamic SQL. Static SQL is said to support DML operations and also the transaction control from PL/SQL block. In dynamic SQL, SQL allows embedding the DDL statements in the PL/SQL blocks.
- Also, It then allows sending an entire block of statements to the database at one time. It reduces network traffic and also provides high performance for the applications.
- It gives high productivity to programmers as it can query, transform and also update the data in the database.
- This is said to save time on the design and also the debugging by strong features, like the exception handling, encapsulation, data hiding and also object-oriented data types.
- Applications that are written in PL/SQL languages are portable.
- this provides high security level.
- It also provides access to the predefined SQL packages.
- It also supports for Object-oriented programming.
- It provides support for developing web applications and server pages.
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PLSQL Introduction Advantages of PL/SQL PL/SQL Environment Basic Syntax PL/SQL Identifiers PL/SQL Comments PL/SQL Numeric Data types and Subtypes PL/SQL Boolean Data types. PL/SQL Datetime and interval Types PL/SQL Large Object (LOB) Data Types PL/SQL User-Defined Subtypes. PL/SQL Variables Initializing variables in PL/SQL PL/SQL constants and Literals PL/SQL Literals PL/SQL Operators PL/SQL Operator Precedence PL/SQL CONDITIONS PL/SQL Loops PL/SQL Strings PL/SQL ARRAYS PL/SQL PROCEDURES Parts of PL/SQL Subprogram PL/SQL Functions PL/SQL CURSORS PL/SQL Records PL/SQL Exceptions PL/SQL Triggers PL/SQL Packages PL/SQL Collections PL/SQL Transactions PL/SQL DATE and TIME PL/SQL DBMS outputAdvantages of PL/SQL
< PLSQL Introduction
PL/SQL Environment >
< PLSQL Introduction
PL/SQL Environment >
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