Let us dive into the installation process of Apache Kafka on Windows operating system.
Step 1 - You need to install the Java8 JDK kit on your system. If it is already installed, you can simply verify it using this command -
java -version
If you don’t have Java8 installed, you can do so using the following link -
Step 2 - Download Apache Kafka on your machine using this link -
Step 3 - As you start the download, a new window will open. Click on the mirror site link for Kafka with the .tgz extension.
Step 4 - Save the file in your preferred location. Now extract the file using WinRAR.
Step 5 - After extraction, the file will be saved as a folder. Copy this Kafka folder to local disk C.
Step 6 - In the command prompt, use the command ‘cd..’ to move to C:\ drive. Then use the command ‘cd <kafka folder name>’ to move to the Kafka directory. Press Enter.
Step 7 - Give the 'java -version' command. If Kafka is properly installed, it will show the output, otherwise, an error will pop up.
Step 8 - Now you can explore Kafka commands with the input 'kafka-'