New features of Angular 7

Angular has released new version Angular 7 which comes with new features and updates on the existing  features of Angular6 that are listed below:

CLI prompt:  

In Angular 7, CLI the command line interface has been upgraded with new feature that is prompt. When the user creates new project by running common Angular CLI command like ng new, it will prompt the user and ask their selection as input from the options like if they want to add features such a routing, types of stye sheet etc. for the application. so, it can directly apply those changes automatically from CLI only.

Angular material & component dev kit (CDK): 

Angular 7 introduced some minor changes as well as upgrades in the Angular Material design. As, Angular Material SDK (software development kit) are famous for offering many reusable components along with automatic browser compatibility, dynamic loading for any angular applications. 

Virtual Scrolling:

In Angular 7, introduced new feature called Virtual Scrolling. As the name implies Virtual scrolling loads and unloads items from the DOM depending upon visible parts of content, results in giving much faster and flexible experienced to users for viewing huge scrollable data.

Drag and Drop:

Angular 7, introduced another new feature called Drag and Drop CDK. With the help of this CDK we can implement drag and drop features. It allows the user to drag item from one place and drag it to other places whenever the user wants methods like moveItemInArray or transferArrayItem. It also supports free dragging, animation, preview etc.

Application performance – Checking bundle size:

While building application in Angular 7, with this new feature now developers can modify and set up budget limit for their bundle size. In Angular default value setting of application bundle budget size is 2 MB as the lower limit and 5MB as the higher limit. When the initial application bundle budget size exceeds the 2MB, new application-level warning with error at 5MB will be shown to developer during deployment or build process of apps.

But it is configurable, so now developer can modify the value of it or settings as per need by using angular.json file. The performance of the application improves when reduction in bundle size.

Dependency updates - Typescript 3.1 supports:

As we know that Angular support TypeScript language as its built-on TypeScript. With the released of Angular 7 version, Angular-related dependencies and documentations also have been upgraded. Angular 7 now supports TypeScript version 3.1, RxJS 6.3, and Node JS version 10.0.

Angular Do-Bootstrap:

Angular 7 added new interface called DoBootstrap as well as new life-cycle hook called ngDoBootstrap. It  is used for bootstrapping or initializing modules required for loading or bootstrapping a component.