Spring - Java Based Configuration

Java-based design alternative empowers you to compose the greater part of your Spring setup without XML, however with the assistance of few Java-based comments clarified in this section. 

@Configuration and @Bean Annotations 

Explaining a class with the @Configuration demonstrates that the Spring IoC compartment can utilize the class as a wellspring of bean definitions. The @Bean comment lets Spring know that a technique clarified with @Bean will return an item that should be enrolled as a bean in the Spring application setting.

package demo;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.*;

public class HelloWorldConfig {
   public HelloWorld helloWorld(){
      return new HelloWorld();

Injecting Bean Dependencies

package demo;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.*;

public class AppConfig {
   public xy() {
      return new x(bar());
   public Bar bar() {
      return new Bar();

The @Import Annotation

public class ConfigA {
   public A a() {
      return new A(); 

Lifecycle Callbacks

public class x {
   public void init() {
      // initialization logic
   public void cleanup() {
      // destruction logic
public class AppConfig {
   @Bean(initMethod = "init", destroyMethod = "cleanup" )
   public xy() {
      return new x();

Specifying Bean Scope

public class AppConfig {
   public Foo foo() {
      return new Foo();