Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)

Mobile cloud computing (MCC) uses cloud computing, mobile computing, and wireless computing to deliver applications and services to mobile devices. In Mobile cloud computing (MCC), all the data storage and processing done on a cloud mobile device are used as media to display.

Why Mobile Cloud?

  1. Speed and Flexibility: Mobile devices are built quickly and efficiently. They can be used on many operating systems and platforms.
  2. Easy Access: It can be easily accessible from mobile or desktop.
  3. Integrated Data: Mobile cloud computing (MCC) allows users to quickly collect and integrate data from different sources.
  4. Data Cache: In this, the data can be easily cached.

Mobile cloud computing (MCC) helps organizations save money because it is portable,e, making it more efficient. 

Challenges of Mobile cloud computing (MCC)

  • Low Bandwidth
  • Security
  • Mobile Communication Congestion
  • Architectural Issues
  • Alternation of Network
  • Limited Energy Resource