Conditional Formatting in Excel
Learn Conditional Formatting in Excel from basics in this free online training. This free Conditional Formatting course is taught hands-on by experts. Learn about Data Bars, Color Scales, Cells Containing. Best for Beginners.
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About this course
Conditional Formatting is one of the simplest yet powerful features in Excel Spreadsheets. As the name suggests, you can use conditional formatting in Excel when you want to highlight cells that meet a specified condition. It gives you the ability to quickly add a visual analysis layer over your data set. You can create colour scales, show increasing/decreasing icons, and a lot more using conditional formatting in Excel.
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A free course on Conditional Formatting in Excel is a great way to learn how to apply visual cues to your data. With this course, you will learn how to use data bars, color scales, cells containing, and icon sets to more effectively visualize your data. You will also learn how to customize your conditional formatting rules to create more complex visualizations. By the end of the course, you will be able to create more informative spreadsheets and reports.
The course will start off by teaching you the basics of conditional formatting, including how to apply data bars and color scales to your data. You will then learn how to use the Cells Containing rule type to create visualizations based on specific values. After that, you will learn how to use icon sets to create visualizations based on multiple values. Finally, you will learn how to use more complex rule types, such as formula-based rules, to create even more dynamic visualizations.
By the end of the course, you will be able to create custom visualizations that are tailored to your specific data needs. You will also have a solid understanding of how to use conditional formatting to create dynamic and informative spreadsheets. The course is free and can be completed in your own time, making it a great way to learn how to use conditional formatting in Excel.
Course Outline
Conditional formatting is a Microsoft Excel feature that allows users to use specific formatting to the cells based on required criteria.
Conditional formatting is an easy technique to highlight targeted cells or range of cells, emphasize unusual values, and view data by utilizing data bars, color scales, and icon sets that correspond to particular variations in the data.
In conditional formatting in Excel, original data is split into a new table, and a stacked column chart then displays it.
In conditional formatting, a color scale assigns different colors to different ranges to differentiate between the highest and lowest values. The between values is a weighted blend of color. Color scales make it easier to visualize patterns while working with a large data set.
In conditional formatting, cells containing are categorized using a simple technique. A cell with a required format is selected and checked for the same format in the other cells.

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How to Conditional Formatting in Excel?
To apply conditional formatting, select the cells or range of cells -> select the conditional formatting rule -> click on the conditional formatting command -> hover the mouse on the desired preset -> choose a preset style from the menu. Conditional formatting is applied to the selected range of cells.
What are the five types of Conditional Formatting in Excel?
There are five types of conditional formatting in excel. They are:
Background color shading of cells
Foreground color shading of cells
Data bars
Icons have four different image types
What is Conditional Formatting? Explain with example
Conditional formatting is the process of highlighting or formatting the cell or the range of cells based on specified requirements to differentiate between the values or group values fitting a category. For example, segregating students based on their overall academic performance under different GPA categories.
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Conditional Formatting in Excel
Conditional formatting is used to format or highlight cells or range of cells in Excel. It is easy, emphasizes the exceptional values, views data using data bars, color scales, and icon sets corresponding to particular variations in the data set.
Conditional formatting changes the visuals of the cells based on the user-specified conditions. These conditions are applied to the range of cells and formatted only if the conditions are accurate; if the states do not fall under the right category, then the cell range will not be formatted. Many built-in functions can be created by the user, including by using a formula to evaluate true or false, such as:
Background color shading of cells
Foreground color shading of cells
Data bars
Icons that have four different image types
Rules of Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting rules are applied to automatically format rows and cells based on specific values that they contain. These conditionally formatted features do not change when the values in the cell change. Formulas are used to change the values in the cells based on the criteria when the cell value has to be changed.
Create a Conditional Formatting Rule
Click on Conditional Formatting in the toolbar to view the conditional formatting window.
Click on Add New Rule to create a new, blank conditional formatting rule.
Setting the Conditions for the Rule
1) Select <set condition> to display the Set Condition window
The specified condition set by the user determines whether the specified condition triggers the formatting. For example, if the condition user would want to apply a background color to all rows assigned, select the column named set to in the left pane and the mentioned criteria in the right pane.
The criteria for conditional formatting will vary depending on the column type. For example, a checkbox column can use formatting based on whether the box is checked or not. For a date column, formatting is applied based on the date specified “in the past” or “in the next days” amongst the different options.
A conditional formatting smartsheet looks at the numbers in the column formatted for percentage (for example, a % complete column) for the values between 0 and 1. The decimal values like 0.25 for 25%, 0.5 for 50% are used to analyze correct comparison instead of whole numbers.
The rule is further customized. For example, if the user wants to mention a comments column containing the value “urgent”), select define custom criteria.
Select the checkbox to apply to format when needs are NOT met to display formatting on rows that do not belong outside the condition.
From the already considered example, selecting the checkbox would apply formatting to the rows NOT assigned to the mentioned condition.
2) When the condition is finished setting, it is selected OK. The format rule is set to:
Click on the format to choose the formatting to apply if the specified condition is met from the Conditional Formatting dialog window. The formatting choices will appear within the dialog window.
The Conditional Formatting in Excel course offered by Great Learning will help you understand the formatting techniques to create an easily understandable Excel sheet. You can segregate the values based on specific conditions, group them, and analyze them much easier using conditional formatting. This course is designed with care to cater to all the learning kinds across the globe. Enroll in Great Learning today to avail of the Conditional FormattingIn Excel certification course for free online. Happy Learning!