Introduction to NoSQL
Learn NoSQL from basics in this free online course. NoSQL is taught hands-on by experts. Gain skills to work with MongoDB and VisualStudio and learn exploration, aggregation, preparation and joins in databases with case studies.
Mr. Udit MehrotraRatings
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About this course
This free course will help you explore NoSQL from the basics. It begins by explaining why SQL is not enough, followed by an introduction to NoSQL and its necessity. This free course then gives you a thorough understanding of data, provides a step-by-step guide to installing MongoDB for MacOS, and explains the NoSQL connection to the local server. This course will also cover Visual Studio setup, introduction to databases, collections, and documents in NoSQL. You will learn to import and explore data and prepare, perform aggregation, and joins operations on the data in the later part of the course.
Adding value to your learning experience, an industry expert teaches the NoSQL course. A free quiz is assigned to test your competency in the subject. Complete the quiz and gain a course completion certificate.
To expand your learning in the Software domain, consider pursuing Software Engineering courses that offer specialization/electives to escalate your career.
Course Outline
This section highlights NoSQL advantages over SQL Databases to comprehend why more than SQL is needed while working on large-scale tasks/projects.
This section defines a problem statement and describes its objectives to work hands-on with NoSQL.
You will understand the sample dataset and its characteristics to solve the previously discussed problem statement. You will also learn to prepare the data in this section.
This section gives a step-by-step demonstration of installing MongoDB on your Mac operating system.
You will understand MongoDB database tools and learn to connect your database cluster to the local server instance in this section.

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Skill & tools
60% of learners found all the desired skills & tools
Our course instructor

Mr. Udit Mehrotra
Data Scientist, Stripe
IT & Software Expert

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I receive a certificate upon completing this free course?
Is this course free?
What are the prerequisites to learning this NoSQL course?
This course is a beginner-friendly course and requires no prior knowledge. It is suitable for experienced developers and those without prior experience in NoSQL databases.
How long does it take to complete this free NoSQL course?
NoSQL Databases is 1.5 hours-long course. You can, however, learn from the course at your convenience since it is self-paced.
Will I have lifetime access to this free NoSQL course?
Yes. You will have lifetime access to this online NoSQL Databases course once you enroll.