Free Node.js Courses

JavaScript is a popular web development programming language. Great Learning offers free NodeJS certificate courses and other associate courses to help you develop better web applications. Introduction to JavaScript includes lectures on the fundamentals of JavaScript. Other courses like Introduction to AngularJS, basic and advanced concepts of Angular7(an extended framework of AngularJS), JQuery Tutorial, ReactJS, and NodeJS provide knowledge of employing various features in web development. These free courses aim to help you learn to build interactive and more engaging web applications. Enroll today to upskill and gain certificates. 

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Paid Degree & Certificate Programs

Education is one of the easy keys to being an industry fit. But, picking up the domain that suits you the best from the pool of options? That’s a bit confusing. Great Learning offers you a plethora of choices in the fields of your interests. You can walk through the courses, understand what pleases your specifications and choose the best that suits you. Each of these courses will help you be ready by offering you the best content. You will gain Degree and PG certificates from recognized universities on successful completion of the registered program. 


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Take Free Node.js Courses and Get Certificates

Node.js, an open-source, cross-platform back-end JavaScript runtime environment that operates on a JavaScript Engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser, develops scalable network applications.


Developers use JavaScript to create command-line tools and for server-side scripting, which produces dynamic web page content on the server before the page is transmitted to the user's web browser through Node.js. Thus, Node.js symbolizes a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, bringing web application development under a single programming language rather than segregating it across server-side and client-side scripting languages.




The event-driven design of Node.js supports asynchronous I/O. These design decisions attempt to maximize performance and scalability for real-time web applications with numerous input/output activities, for example, real-time communication programs and browser games.


Node.js builds quick web servers in JavaScript by integrating event-driven programming into web servers. Without threading, developers can build scalable servers using an abridged version of event-driven programming that uses callbacks to indicate when a task is finished. Node.js combine JavaScript's ease of use and the strength of Unix network programming.


Since Google's V8 JavaScript engine was open-sourced under the BSD license, Node.js was built on top of it. It is adept at using standard internet protocols, including HTTP, DNS, and TCP. Another well-known language, JavaScript, made Node.js available to the web development community.


Industry Application


Among the businesses that employ Node.js software are GoDaddy, Groupon, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netflix, PayPal, SAP, Walmart, Yahoo!, and Amazon Web Services. 


Numerous open-source libraries are available for Node.js. The majority of them are maintained on the npm website. Web frameworks have been built by the open-source community to speed up the creation of apps. Connect, Express.js, Socket.IO, Feathers.js, Koa.js, Hapi.js, Sails.js, Meteor, Derby, and numerous other frameworks fall under this category. There are also several packages available for interacting with other languages or runtime environments like Microsoft.NET.


Specific editing and debugging tools are available in contemporary desktop IDEs for Node.js applications. These IDEs include Atom, Brackets, JetBrains WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft Visual Studio with Node.js Tools for Visual Studio, or TypeScript with Node definitions, NetBeans, and Nodeclipse Enide Studio, Eclipse-based. Node.js is also supported by a few web-based online IDEs, including the visual flow editor in Node-RED, Cloud9 IDE, Codeanywhere, Codenvy, and Codenvy.


Numerous cloud hosting services, including Jelastic, Google Cloud Platform, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Joyent, and others, support Node.js.


PG Programs


Now that you have more than enough reasons to build your career by acquiring skills in working with Node.js and AngularJS and learning to employ jQuery in various programming tasks in JavaScript, you realize its scope in the industry. Relish the opportunity to build your career as:


  • Software Engineer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Front-End Developer
  • UX/UI Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Server Manager 


Enroll in Great Learning’s PG Program in Software Engineering course and gain expertise badged by a PG certificate recognized as a world-class university.

Career Path

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the prerequisites to learn these Node.js courses?

The suite includes everything you need to know to learn Node.js, like the basics of JavaScript. So you can take up these courses without prior knowledge of any concepts. 

How to learn Node.js for free?

Enroll in Great Learning Academy’s Node.js courses to learn Node.js, JavaScript, and AngularJS for free online. 

How do I learn Node.js from beginner level to advance level?

Great Learning Academy’s free Node.js courses offer an online learning experience to equip you with knowledge of JavaScript and work with platforms like Node.js, JQuery, and AngularJS. 

How long does it take to complete these Node.js courses?

These free online courses range from 1-3 hours. You can, however, learn Node.js at your own pace at your leisure. 

Which Node.js courses are best for working professionals?

Great Learning Academy has designed courses on Node.js to cater to working professionals to understand working with JavaScript for various advanced applications. Take up these courses for free and start learning online. 

Will I get certificates after completing these free Node.js courses?

Yes, you will earn free Node.js certificates for each of the courses after qualifying in the quizzes. 

What knowledge and skills will I gain upon completing these free Node.js courses?

After completing these online Node.js courses, you will have gained knowledge of JavaScript and be equipped with skills to work with JavaScript environments like Node.js, AngualrJS, and JQuery library. 

Will I have lifetime access to these Node.js courses with certificates?

You will have lifetime access to these free Node.js courses after successfully enrolling in them. You can also access these free Node.js certificates for each of the courses after you have successfully completed the course by qualifying in the quizzes. 

How much do these Node.js courses cost?

These are free online Node.js courses. You can learn these courses on the Great Learning Academy platform without paying. 

Who are eligible to take these free Node.js courses?

These free courses cater to learning enthusiasts from basics, like Introduction to JavaScript. So enroll in these courses today and learn the basics to advanced concepts in Node.JS and everything related to it from basics. 


What are my next learning options after these Node.js courses?

After you thoroughly understand Node.js through these free courses, you can extend your learning from a course teaching Full-Stack Software Development concepts and advance your career as a Full-Stack Developer or Software Engineer. 


Is it worth learning Node.js?

Learning Node.js has proven essential to building a career as a Full-Stack Developer. It essentially acts as an add-on that instantly increases the capabilities of JavaScript. Therefore, in terms of your career, it may very well turn you into a priceless asset for a development team. Since it has grown in popularity over the past four years and is expected to keep up with the competition, Node.js development has become the technology of choice for companies all over the world.

Why is Node.js so popular?

Js supports several concurrent queries, and this is primarily why it gained popularity among developers and big businesses so quickly. It can deal with several requests at once without taxing the server. A callback is fired only after a request is made; otherwise, Node does the work.

What jobs demand you learn Node.js?

Learning to program in JavaScript on Node.js platforms offers various job opportunities to both freshers and those looking to position themselves in higher designations, like

  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Front-End Developer
  • UX/UI Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Server Manager 
Why take Node.js courses from Great Learning Academy?

Great Learning, a popular ed-tech firm, believes in transforming lives. Popular free online courses are offered by the Great Learning Academy initiative to help learners, trained by industry experts, excel in the fields they are interested in free of cost. More than 5 million students in 140 countries have benefited from Great Learning Academy's free online courses with certificates. Furthermore, it offers students a variety of assignments and projects to work on in order to brush up on and improve their skill set. These courses give you a solid foundation for learning JavaScript and Node.js basics and equip you with advanced skills to solve real-world problems. These online courses include demonstrations and codes in different programming platforms like AngularJs and Node.js and enlighten you with JavaScript and jQuery concepts.  

What are the steps to enroll in these free Node.js courses?

To learn Node.js concepts and knowledge to work with different programming languages on various platforms, you need to:

  1. Go to the course page
  2. Click on the “Enroll for Free” button
  3. Start learning Node.js courses for free online.