Applied Data Science Program: Leveraging AI for Effective Decision-Making Reviews

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8,039 ratings
07 Jul 2023
Batch of March 2023 | United States
I must inform all of you (MIT faculty and Great Learning Team), how grateful I am to have gotten the opportunity to experience being an MIT Applied Data Science learner and alumni. This has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life, so far. As a result of the MIT Applied Data Science program, I have applied and gotten accepted into a Masters in Science in Data Science program at Eastern University, St. Davids, PA. I have been able to conduct a Data Science Study with Machine Learning solutions at my current Job. This study will give me the opportunity to carve out a Data Science spot in my current organization as the establishment (Laboratory) does not currently have a Data Scientist; so, my study will show the management of my organization that there is a need for a skilled Data Science professional like myself. Thanks a lot for all that the MIT faculty and Great Learning staff and managers have done to make this program a reality and success for all of us learners, who are coming from different fields of study; as for me, I am coming from the Clinical Laboratory Science field. It makes me very emotional to say goodbye. I didn't want it to end, but as we know, all good things must come to an end. I participated in the Hackathon with my Random Forest-XGBoost model, a dream of mind, and came away with a 91.7% accuracy and an overall rank of 29th, a feat achieved all by myself, no team, no one, but me and my computer. MIT and Great Learning have changed my life for the better. Thank you all!!!
11 Jul 2023
Batch of March 2023 | Ecuador
The program really gave me insight into data science. Even though there were many concepts covered, the pace of the program was great for me and the explanations of ideas in general became more and more intuitive. The live virtual sessions were excellent and the explanation methodology of the professors was incredible. The mentored learning sessions help clarify concepts and get the necessary hands-on experience.
09 Jul 2023
Batch of March 2023 | United States
Exceeded my expectations, I joined the program with the objective of learning how to predict demand for an asset and to learn how data science/AI can support innovation. By week 4, I had already met my objective and I got much more from the program than I thought. I hadn't fully understood the impact data science can have in every industry. I have gotten inspiration on how to innovate with deep learning and recommendation systems. Thank you much to everyone from the MIT and Great Learning teams, including the professors, the mentors, the program management team, the teacher assistants and everyone supporting the program.
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