Python Automation Project
Learn to develop top Python automation projects like a voice command recognition system and more.
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About this course
Python is an open-source programming language & it is one of the most popular languages. There are numerous libraries in open access, so there are fewer lines of unique code to compose all alone. Python syntax is easy to read and understand, making the language simple to learn. Besides, working on Python projects will give you a working knowledge of the language.
Nowadays, Automation has its own vital role in the technological field. It contributes to higher production rates, increased productivity, more safety, better product quality, and more. This course on Python Automation Project will teach you about the most common and intriguing module that you can build for a voice command recognition system using Python. You will then understand the problem statement and get introduced to the libraries that will be utilized. You will then have hands-on sessions to implement this Python Automation Project.
To build a comprehensive knowledge of various software and technology, enroll in one of the Software Engineering courses.

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Our course instructor

Shambhavi Gupta
Content Creator
IT & Software Expert

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I receive a certificate upon completing this free course?
Is this course free?
Is Python automation easy?
Python is viewed as one of the best scripting languages. For the most part, Python Automation is about scripting your test steps. Most tasks you expect to accomplish for Python Automation, for example, string activities, the file read compose, and so on, are moderately simple in Python compared to Java or C#. In addition, the way it's open-source intends that there's a variety of tools, libraries, systems, and support accessible for it. For this reason, Python comes under the go-to programming language for running Python Automation.
What is included in the Python Automation Project course?
The Python Automation Project course covers the basics and several advanced concepts of Python:
• The fundamentals of Python programming
• Writing and Reading to Files
• Regular Expressions
• String Manipulation
• Web scraping with BeautifulSoup4
• Browser automation with Selenium
• Excel and Word Automation
• JSON Automation, Threading, and Scheduling
• GUI Automation, etc.
Can I take the Python Automation Project course for free?
Yes, you can learn it for free at Great Learning academy. This free Python Automation Project course will help you build your experience in automation python projects in Python. Great Learning is your way to go, and we will direct you and assist you with comprehension of all required. As India's most unmistakable master learning association and an overall impression in 140+ countries, we're known to make specialists all through the planet competent and future-arranged. We work in districts where headways and best practices are developing rapidly, and the interest for qualified candidates generally outperforms supply.