Join our masterclass, "Introduction to Data Science: Fundamentals and Applications" where we demystify the core principles of data science and showcase its real-world impact. Explore the typical data science workflow, from data collection to analysis and visualization. Discover how data drives innovation across industries and gain insights into its transformative applications in finance, healthcare, marketing, and beyond. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the potential of data science and its endless possibilities for shaping the future.

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Agenda for the session

  • Understand the foundational concepts of data science
  • Typical data science workflow
  • Applied Data Science Program by MIT PE
  • Live Q&A

About Speakers

Joel Kowalewski

CTO, AI Scientist, Sensorygen, Inc.

A seasoned AI scientist, Joel Kowalewski, CTO at Sensorygen, has expertise in developing AI technologies that augment scientific research. With a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Joel has authored numerous research studies and developed analytical models alongside AI approaches to facilitate qualitative research in biomedical science.

MIT Professional Education's Applied Data Science Program

The Applied Data Science Program curriculum has been carefully crafted by MIT faculty to provide you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to flourish in the industry. By encompassing the most business-relevant technologies, such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Recommendation Systems, and more, it prepares you to be an important part of data science efforts at any organization