Curious about how Facebook can automatically tag your friends in photos? Join us for an engaging webinar, "How Facebook Uses AI to Identify People in Photos," where we’ll explore the fascinating technology behind facial recognition. Learn how Facebook uses advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to detect and recognize faces with remarkable accuracy. Our expert speaker will break down the key components of this technology, explain how it works, and discuss its real-world applications. Whether you're interested in AI or just curious about the tech behind social media, this session is a must-attend!

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Agenda for the session

  • Facial Recognition with AI
  • Machine Learning in Tagging
  • No Code AI and Machine Learning Program by MIT Professional Education
  • Live Q&A

About Speakers

Anjana Agrawal


Anjana brings over thirty years of expertise as a strategist and data mining expert. She excels in complex statistical modeling for Big Data using Python, R, and other tools. A Social Media evangelist and top-ranked 'Kaggler,' she specializes in NLP and text mining. Anjana has led multimillion-dollar programs across diverse sectors, driving innovation and excellence.

No Code AI and Machine Learning Program by MIT Professional Education

No-Code AI is the revolutionary technology that empowers anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to build advanced AI-driven solutions effortlessly, democratizing innovation and accelerating digital transformation. Due to the advent of this technology, professionals skilled in the no-code approach are highly valuable to organizations across industries. In order to help you unlock the power of AI without coding, MIT Professional Education offers the No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions Program.

In this 12-week program, you will be able to decode the AI landscape by learning the theory and practical applications of supervised and unsupervised learning, time-series analysis, neural networks, recommendation engines, regression, computer vision, and more. With the no-code approach, you will learn to leverage the power of AI and Data Science without having to write a line of code.