All the features you need to start online class now

Conduct Online Classes
- Secure & for up to 1000 participants
- Automatic attendance and feedback
- Whiteboard, live polls, breakout rooms

Conduct Proctored Examinations
- Video monitoring & secure browser
- Violation detection
- In platform communication

Advanced Learning Management System
- MCQs, assignments, LABs, Hackathons
- Intuitive, structured and beautiful
- Student and faculty dashboard

Launch Programs / Courses instantly
- Self-serve and faculty / admin centric
- Create high quality lecture videos
- Unlimited faculty and courses

Advanced Student Engagement & Analytics
- Built in motivation and engagement
- Identification of ‘At Risk’ students
- Progress and engagement dashboard

Automate repetitive admin tasks
- Schedule & share live class links
- Share recordings, attendance & grades
- Placement / career service activities
Why choose Olympus Digital Campus?
Online education is not just about using a video conferencing software to conduct live classes. Seamlessly integrating all the above features is key for a delightful student and faculty experience.
Olympus Digital Campus does just that and is being used by Great Learning to deliver over a million hours of learning each month in collaboration with our academic partners.
Manage student academic life cycle completely
- Provide a seamless and integrated admission, registration and fee collection process
- Provide the entire student experience in one place: live classes, course material, grades, e-certificates and transcripts
- Provide placement and career services online to create excellent career outcomes
Offer a world class online learning experience
- By giving control, visibility and security to students and faculty, they can focus on learning and not worry about tech limitations
- Technology can be leveraged to enhance faculty’s reach and effectiveness
- Facilitate and automatically assign and track group activities, projects and peer learning
Easy administration
- Digital Campus is cloud based, eliminating any need for IT personal or hardware costs. All data is routinely backed up with access rights
- Manage user access to courses, programs, batches and data at a granular level
- Manage multiple programs, batches, courses, years all in one place
Get dedicated support
- We offer Digital Campus training and onboarding support, unlike many other self serve tools
- Dedicated tech support and guidance on how to leverage platform features
- Continuous access to product and technology enhancements
Olympus Digital Campus in Numbers
3 Lakh
Students On The Platform
Hiring Companies
110 Million+
Learning hours delivered
Countries reached
Average Learner rating
Testimonials of our delighted users
Sign up for free trial
Please fill in your details to sign-up for a free trial. For upgrade or a product demo, contact us.
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