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Free Excel Courses

Enrol in free online Excel courses and earn certificates upon completion. Master essential skills, from basic formulas to advanced macros and pivot tables. Learn data analysis and visualization through real-world examples. Ideal for all skill levels.



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Learn Excel For Free & Get Completion Certificates

Learn Excel For Free & Get Completion Certificates

Excel is a robust spreadsheet application by Microsoft, crucial for organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data. It's widely utilized across various sectors including finance, accounting, and economics.

Why Use Excel?

Excel excels in data storage, analysis, and report generation. Its user-friendly interface, compatibility with Microsoft applications, and array of tools and templates simplify the creation of custom reports and charts.

Skills Covered

  • Basic and Advanced Formulas: Understand and apply Excel formulas to simplify calculations and data analysis.
  • Macros and Automation: Learn to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflows using macros.
  • Pivot Tables: Gain proficiency in creating and managing pivot tables for sophisticated data analysis.
  • Data Visualization: Develop skills in creating dynamic charts and graphs to effectively illustrate data trends.
  • Statistical Analysis: Use Excel's statistical functions to derive deeper insights from data.

Who Should Take Our Free Excel Courses?

  • Data Science Enthusiasts: Anyone looking to strengthen their data analysis and visualization skills.
  • Business Professionals: Ideal for individuals in finance, accounting, economics, or any sector that relies heavily on data.
  • Students and Educators: Students and teachers who want to enhance their understanding and teaching of quantitative analysis.
  • Administrative Personnel: Office managers and administrative staff looking to improve their efficiency in managing data.

What Will You Learn?

  • Data Handling and Management: Organize, analyze, and manage data efficiently using Excel’s comprehensive set of tools.
  • Advanced Data Analysis Techniques: Employ advanced analysis methods including predictive analytics and statistical modeling.
  • Custom Reporting: Create customized reports and charts, leveraging Excel’s tools and templates to fit the specific needs of your business or project.
  • Real-World Application: Apply your skills to real-world scenarios to solve complex data problems, enhancing your decision-making process.


Key Benefits of Using Excel

  • Data Management: Excel supports data storage, analysis, report generation, and process automation, making it integral to business operations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Features an intuitive interface, compatible with other Microsoft products, enhanced with tools and templates for easy data handling.
  • Advanced Analysis: Offers capabilities for detailed data examination, forecasting, and sharing, facilitating informed decision-making.

Excel for Data Analysis

  • Visualization Tools: Excel excels in creating dynamic charts and graphs to illustrate data trends.
  • Statistical Functions: Provides extensive statistical functions for thorough data insights.

Excel for Data Manipulation

  • Data Transformation: Includes robust tools for sorting, filtering, and merging data, plus features for data cleaning and preparation.
  • Predictive Analytics: Equipped with forecasting tools and PivotTables for sophisticated data analysis.


Learning Excel equips professionals with essential data-handling skills, enhances productivity through automation, and is pivotal in data-driven decision-making. Join now, Great Learning’s free Data Science certificate courses to enhance your practical execution skills in data analysis using Excel.


You can also register for the Data Science certificate courses to gain execution proficiency.


Career Path

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the prerequisites required to learn these free Excel courses?

There's no prior experience necessary to begin, but before you learn advanced courses, complete introductory courses to have solid foundations and develop an interest in working on data and analytics.

How long does it take to complete these Excel free courses?

These courses include 1-5 hours of comprehensive video lectures. These courses are, however, self-paced, and you can complete them at your convenience. 

What knowledge and skills will I gain upon completing these free Microsoft Excel courses?

After completing these free Microsoft Excel courses, you will understand the software comprehensively, including creating and formatting worksheets, applying formulas, sorting and filtering data, and creating charts and graphs. You will also develop the skills necessary to use Microsoft Excel in various scenarios, such as data analysis, financial modeling, and problem-solving.

Will I have lifetime access to these free Excel courses with certificates?

Yes. You will have lifetime access to these courses after enrolling in them and access to certificates after completing the course.

Will I get a certificate after completing these free Microsoft Excel courses?

Yes. After completing them successfully, you will receive a certificate of completion for each course. 

How much do these Excel courses cost?

These are free courses; you can enroll in them and learn for free online. 

What are my next learning options after these Excel courses?

These free Excel courses give you a competitive edge in your professional life. After completing these free courses, you can learn Data Analysis essentials using Excel to gain professional knowledge further. 


Is it worth learning about Excel?

Excel is worth learning about as it is a powerful and versatile tool for managing data, creating charts, and performing calculations. It is used in various industries, from finance to marketing, and is an invaluable skill for anyone looking to stay competitive in the job market.

Why is Excel so popular?

Excel is popular because it is a powerful, user-friendly tool that allows users to organize, calculate, and analyze data easily. It has a wide range of features making it versatile and easy to use and allowing users to create complex spreadsheets quickly and easily.

What jobs demand you learn Excel?

Jobs that are directly related to Excel are,

  • MIS Executive
  • Project Manager/Coordinator
  • Market Research Analysis
  • Accountants
  • Retail Store Manager
  • Business Analysts
  • Data Journalists
  • Financial Analysts
Why take Excel courses from Great Learning Academy?

Great Learning Academy offers a wide range of high-quality, completely free Excel courses. From beginner to advanced level, these free courses are designed to help you improve your Excel and analytics skills and achieve your goals. All these courses come with a certificate of completion, so you can demonstrate your new skills to the world. Start learning today and discover the benefits of free Excel courses!

Who are eligible to take these free Excel courses?

These courses have no prerequisites. Anybody can learn from these courses for free online. 

What are the steps to enroll in these free Microsoft Excel courses?

To learn Excel basics and advanced concepts from these courses, you need to,

  • Go to the course page
  • Click on the "Enroll for Free" button
  • Start learning the Excel course for free online.