Big Data Analytics Course

Free Big Data Analytics Online Course

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Learn big data from basics in this free online training. Big data course is taught hands-on by experts. Understand all about hadoop, hive, apache kafka, spark. Go from beginners level to advance in this big data course.

What you learn in Big Data Analytics Course ?

Map reduce
Apache Hadoop

About this Course

The Big Data course will introduce you to prominent big data tools, with a few demonstrations and case studies for each of these tools. The course shall focus on working with each of these tools for analytics purposes. It shall begin with a briefing on Hadoop, discussing the framework and its different versions. You will learn about the Hive tool to work with SQL and illustrations, the Spark tool for steaming and analyzing, the RDD and PySpark concepts, working and functioning.


In the latter part of the Mastering Big Data Analytics course, you will understand working with Apache Kafka and advanced Spark concepts. The course also includes projects you can work with and five assessments to evaluate your gains on each topic. Complete the course for free and avail your certificate. We allude to the attached materials for reference. 


After this free, self-paced, intermediate's guide to Big Data Analytics, you can enroll in the Data Science and Big Data Analytics course and embark on your career with the professional Post Graduate certificate. Learn various concepts in depth with millions of aspirants across the globe!

Course Outline

Hadoop - Master your Big Data

Hadoop is an Apache suite framework for distributed processing of massive datasets spread across computer clusters. 

Hive - Big Data SQL

Hive is an Apache suite software project built for data query and analysis, providing an SQL-like interface to query data stored across databases. 

Spark - Stream and Analyze the Big Data

Spark is an open-source Apache suite tool that provides a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing and an interface for cluster programming. 

Apache Kafka - A Distributed Streaming Platform

Kafka is an open-source Apache suite platform for distributed event streaming and high-performance pipelining.

Advanced Spark

Advanced Spark is responsible for managing, shuffling, and optimizing catalysts for resources to work with huge data sets.

Yellow Taxi trip analysis using Hive
The NYC taxi trip Analysis project is as elite as it sounds. The dataset is well designed to put your big data skills to the ultimate test. The project will untie your potential to hone as well as master exploratory data analysis on the given dataset. The ultimate aim of the project is to derive the highest possible revenue figures using Hadoop and Hive.
Sentiment Analysis on Twitter in Real Time
With over 500 million tweets wrapped up in 280 words, Twitter is the home to one of the crispest and concisely written content on the web. From space tweets to ( Lebron James’ on chicken nuggets OR Donald Trump’s infamous ‘covfefe’ tweet), it hosts ideas, comments, and sentiments with minimum jargons and more information. This makes it an ideal platform for Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning. This project will enable you to run analysis on real-time tweet data, derive opinions and understand trends on a gamut of trending topics across the globe, and obtain a riveting visual plot using PySpark

Our course instructor

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Mr. Sajan Kedia

Data Scientist, Myntra

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1 Courses

Sajan did B.Tech. & M.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT BHU. During Masters, he worked on Data Mining & published research papers on the topic. He has worked with IBM Research Labs on NLP part of IBM Watson AI Project. After that, he worked with an AdTech startup as Senior Data Scientist, where he was working on Building Real-Time Machine Learning Models on TBs of Ad stream data.

Currently, he is leading the Data Science Team of Pricing at Myntra, building AI systems for the personalised price. He has very good expertise in Big Data technologies, Machine learning, and NLP. His hobbies are trekking, traveling, adventure and fitness activities.

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Big Data Analytics Course

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