Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Free Ethical Hacking Course for Beginners

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This free introduction to ethical hacking course for beginners will teach you the fundamentals of ethical hacking. The course aims to make you aware of ethical hacking threats, the process, and a range of domains where it is used.

What you learn in Introduction to Ethical Hacking ?

Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Process flow for Ethical Hacking
Ethical Hacking Techniques
Domains under Ethical Hacking

About this Course

This ethical hacking course is designed to guide you through the ethical hacking process, complemented by hands-on demonstrations to solidify your understanding. It encompasses a broad range of domains such as Web Application, Mobile Application, and Network Application security. Key subjects covered include common vulnerabilities, ethical hacking strategies, Android-based attacks, and various network attack methodologies. A significant focus is placed on Web Application security, with practical exercises on bWAPP to illuminate its architecture, functionalities, and importance. Through the use of Kali Linux, this free ethical hacking course online immerses participants in real-world challenges such as broken authentication mechanisms, blind SQL injections, and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. This hacking course provides learners with the critical skills and knowledge needed to learn ethical hacking effectively across different domains, laying a solid foundation for implementing secure and responsible cybersecurity measures.

This Ethical Hacking free course offers an overview of hacking ethics and techniques. It delves into the fundamentals of hacking, computer security threats, and the objectives of ethical hackers. Participants gain insights into the necessary skills and tools for ethical hacking. To take your learning journey to the next level, check out the Postgraduate Program in Cyber Security.

Course Outline

What is Hacking?

This module covers a fundamental concept – hacking. You will understand what hacking is and its three types: black hat, white hat, and grey hat hackers. Lastly, you will also get familiar with ethical and unethical hacking.

Computer Security Threats

Hacking occurs because of computer security threats such as computer viruses, computer worms, scareware, keylogger, adware, malware, backdoor, trojan, ransomware, and spyware.

Goals of Ethical Hacking

In this module, you will learn the goals of ethical hacking. You will understand how ethical hacking is legal and adapted by many organizations. 

Skills and Tools required for Ethical Hackers

The learner will learn about various skills to be pursued by ethical hackers. The learners will also get to know about tools used by ethical hackers.

Process of Ethical Hacking

This module covers the ethical hacking process, such as information gathering, scanning, gaining and maintaining access, clearing tracks, and reporting.

Process of Ethical Hacking - Demonstration

The process of ethical hacking is demonstrated with an example.

Process of Ethical Hacking - Demonstration Part 2

The process of ethical hacking is demonstrated with an example

Ethical Hacking across Domains

The learner will understand the importance of ethical hacking across various domains such as web application environment, network architecture, mobile applications, etc.

Domains under Ethical Hacking

The learner will learn about various domains under ethical hacking, such as web applications, network architecture, etc.

Web Application Domain

Around 75% of the total attacks are on web application domains.

Web Application Domain: Common Attacks

The learner will get familiar with common web application attacks, injection flaws, cross-site scripting, and web services attacks.

Web Application Domain: Hacking Methodology

The learners will learn about hacking methodologies such as web footprinting, vulnerability scanners, identifying entry points, and attack surface.

Mobile Application Domain

The learner will understand how attackers can easily compromise the mobile network due to vulnerabilities.

Mobile Application Domain: Types of Android Attacks

The learner will be able to understand types of android attacks such as untrusted APKs, SMS, Email, Spying, App sandboxing issues, and rooting.

Tap Jacking

The learner will be able to understand tap jacking with an example.

Network Application Domain

The learner will be able to understand network attacks and their types, i.e., active and passive attacks.

Network Application Domain: Types of Network Attacks

The learner will be able to understand endpoint attacks, malware attacks, vulnerabilities, and exploits.

Network Application Domain: Examples

The learner will understand DDoS attacks in this section.

Other Domains

Domains such as cloud computing, IoT, Blockchain, and edge computing are discussed in this section.

Demonstration - SQL Injection

SQL Injection process is demonstrated in this section.

Why are Web Applications a Target

The learner will be able to analyze why web applications are subjected to hacking.

What is bWAPP?

bWAPP stands for a buggy web application, an insecure web application that includes vulnerabilities.

bWAPP Architecture

bWAPP architecture is discussed in this section. bWAPP is an open-source PHP application.

bWAPP Features

The significant features of bWAPP are discussed in this section.

Why should you learn bWAPP?

The learners will understand why ethical hackers need to learn bWAPP.

Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an operating system that focuses on security and we will be exploring that in this module.

Demonstration - Web Application attack: Broken Authentication

Web application attack such as broken authentication is demonstrated in this section.

Demonstration - Web Application attack: Blind SQL Injections

Web application attacks such as blind SQL injections are demonstrated in this section.

Demonstration - Web Application attack: Cross site scripting

Web application attack such as cross-site scripting is demonstrated in this section.

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Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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