Front End Development - CSS

Free Course on Front-End Development Using CSS

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Initiate your learning journey and boost your career in Software Development. This free CSS Front End Development course aims at familiarizing you with the essentials to help you begin developing the front end of an application.

What you learn in Front End Development - CSS ?

Website Styling
CSS border
CSS background
Box Model
Front end Development

About this Course

This course will introduce you to Front End Development with CSS, along with a few demonstrated samples. You will learn to design a website using CSS editors, selectors, comments, and syntax of CSS as you follow the first half of the course. The second part engages you by helping you understand inline, internal, and external CSS, along with demonstrating how to use attributes such as color, background, border, and box models. The course also comprehends the history of CSS to add additional knowledge on the subject. You can refer to the attached study materials anytime after enrolling. You will have to take up the assessment at the end of the course to test your skills and evaluate your gains to avail the certificate. 

Upon completing this free, self-paced, beginner’s course, you can embark on your IT career by enrolling in top-rated Software Development courses and learning various concepts in depth with millions of aspirants worldwide!

Course Outline

What is CSS?

This section answers what Cascading Style Sheets are. It also says how HTML is associated with CSS and how JavaScript codes are imbibed in CSS snippets. 

History of CSS

This section gives insights into what was used before CSS was explicitly released as a tool and also includes history of how it was developed. 

CSS Editors

This section includes a brief on several CSS editors, like Atom, Brackets, Espresso, Notepad++, Komodo Edit, and Sublime Text, which you can use to style your HTML codes in CSS. You can choose from the pool after learning which tool is best suited for what purpose. 

Basic Structure of CSS

This section helps you understand the basic structure of CSS. It includes the syntax to define selectors, attributes, and values to make the code well designed. 

Comments in CSS

Comments are not the display part on the website or the webpage but make the critical part of codes. It helps understand what and why the particular chunk of code is written for. You will understand briefly about comments in this section. 

Inline CSS

This section introduces you to every styling that was dependent on inline CSS previously. It demonstrates how inline CSS is applied and also speaks about its advantages and disadvantages with examples.

Internal CSS

This section helps you eliminate the redundancy in the code using internal CSS and explains how the styling is still not organized with demonstrated examples.

External CSS

This section will brief you on external CSS and explains how it eliminates the limitations that are otherwise encountered in inline and internal also illustrates the features and functionalities of styling with a demonstrated example. 

CSS Selectors

This section briefly talks about different selectors such as element selectors, ID selectors, and class selectors, and the priority between them. Further, you will also understand a few advanced selectors such as Universal selector and Descendant Combinator selector.  

CSS Color

This section gives you insights into the different color schema used in CSS and explains two commonly used techniques with sample code chunks. It also discusses how it impacts the style of the webpage when used for a particular value. 

CSS Background

Background attributes can manipulate HTML elements such as color, repeat, image, attachment, and position. This module includes the description of where all the background attributes can reflect to add to the visuals of the webpage. 

CSS Border

This section demonstrates how the border attribute sets margins to the HTML elements and describes the width, style, color, and radius properties used to set CSS borders with code snippets. 

CSS Box Model

This module demonstrates an example of how to manipulate the HTML elements using a box model. Later, it speaks about content, padding, margin, and border edge, and also explains the basic structure to define each of these elements. 

Our course instructor

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Mr. Faizan Parvez

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72 Courses
Faizan has been working as an Instructor of Data Structure and Algorithm for the last 1 year. He has expertise in languages such as Java , JavaScript etc. He is a Subject Matter Expert in the field Computer Science and a competitive programmer. He has been working in the technical content development and is a Research Analyst .

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Front End Development - CSS

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