Ethical Hacking - Mobile Platforms and Network Architecture

Ethical Hacking: Mobile Platforms Free Course

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This Mobile hacking course is taught hands-on by experts. Learn all about ethical hacking on mobile platforms in depth. Best for beginners. Start now!

What you learn in Ethical Hacking - Mobile Platforms and Network Architecture ?

OSI Model
TCP Protocol
Android Manifest
Metasploit Framework
Security Market Outlook

About this Course

This free course delves into Android OS, Android Architecture, and the Android Debug Bridge. Uncover the secrets of Android Manifest and witness a live demo on Ethical Hacking for Mobile Platforms. Learn how computers communicate, the OSI Model, TCP Protocol, and the TCP 3-Way Handshake. Discover the top 10 tools for network security, get introduced to the Metasploit Framework, and explore its architecture through a hands-on demonstration. Gain insights into the security market outlook, average salaries in the USA, and roles related to ethical hacking. Find out about penetration tester salaries in India.


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Course Outline

Android OS

This module gives ou an overview on the android operating system and about its history and creators. 

Android Architecture

This module explains android architecture that has a variety of parts to support the requirements of any android device.

Android Debug Bridge

This module discusses about android Debug Bridge (ADB) which is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. 

Android Manifest

This module discusses android manifest which includes the permissions that an app needs to have in order to access data from other apps.


Demo - Ethical Hacking for Mobile Platforms

This module shows a demo on Ethical Hacking for Mobile Platforms

How Computer Communicates?

This module elaborates on how the computers communicate with each other. 

OSI Model

This module explains about OSI model which is the protocol used for communication between different computer networks. 

TCP Protocol

This module explains about Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which is a set of rules that dictate the process of initiating and sustaining a network dialogue, enabling applications to transfer data.

TCP 3 Way Handshake

In a TCP/IP network, a technique known as the "three-way handshake" is employed to establish a connection between a local host or client and a server.

Top 10 Tools for Network Security

This module talks about various tools that are used for network security such as Wireshark, Metasploit, Nessus, Aircrack and more. 

Introduction to Metasploit Framework

This module will give an introduction to an open-source exploitation framework known as the Metasploit framework. 

MetaSploit Architecture

This module gives you an understanding of the Metasploit Architecture. 

Demo - Exploitation using MetaSploit

This module shows a demo on Metasploit.

Security Market Outlook

This module gives you an understanding of of the security market including the market size in monetary terms. 

Average Salary in USA

This module gives you an understanding about the salary range of a certified ethical hacker in USA. 

Roles related to Ethical hacker

This module highlights various job roles that are related to ethical hacker. 

Penetration Tester Salaries in India

This module gives you an understanding about the salary range of a Penetration Tester in India.

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Ethical Hacking - Mobile Platforms and Network Architecture

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